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"Here's the food, Mrs. and Mrs. Kang." The chef set down two plates containing a grilled cheese that's cut up in half and a small bowl of tomato soup on each plate. "Thank you!" Both me and Haerin said in unison.

I grabbed one of the halves and dipped it in the tomato soup before taking a bite of it. My eyes widened, this has to be the cheesiest and most flavourful grilled cheese and tomato soup I've ever tasted. "This is so good!!" I said while my mouth is still full; my words came out as if I have a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"Indeed it is." Haerin said while she used her thumb to wipe away the single drop of soup on the corner of my lips. I happily continue to finish my food, seriously, every dish that these chefs make is always so good! I'm going to make something special for everyone that works here.

After a while of us chatting and eating our food, we finally finished it. We walked to the bathroom together to wash our hands, while doing so, Haerin flicker water onto my face.

"Hey!" I yelled then proceed to flick water back at her. Before we even realised, it turned into a whole battle of water flickering. "Oh, wait up!" She yelled while chasing me with a puddle in her cupped together hands. "You're cheating! That's a whole puddle of water!" I responded to her while still running for my life.

Haerin threw the water at me but she missed.. by a lot. Fortunately though, it landed into the bathtub so there will be less work to clean up this mess. I walked over to her while giggling. "Your aim is so bad." She rolled her eyes at me, "Whatever." She said before holding me by the waist and pushed me back slightly where I felt my back hitting the sink counter.

We looked into each other's eyes with a smile smeared on our faces before our lips perfectly morphing into each other. Our kiss just feels perfect and completed, as if her lips is the other puzzle piece to mine.

"I love you, Danielle." She whispered just enough for the two of us to hear it. "I love you too, Haerin." I said while fixing my position; I placed my hands on her shoulders and rest my head on top of her chest which allowed me to hear her fast-beaten heartbeat.

She tighten her grasp on me and I closed my eyes, her embrace is so warm and comforting, It's like all of my problems and pain from the past washed away whenever I'm in her arms. I could feel my mind starting to drift off and my body feels weak. My body feels hot and heavy, my legs weaken and I feel like I would've collapsed by now if Haerin wasn't there to hold me.

"Danielle, you're getting a fever." She said panicking while placing her hand on my forehead to confirm it. She picked me up to bridal carry me. My vision is blurry and my body feels heavy and it doesn't want to move an inch even when I demand it to.


I told the maids to prepare some herbal brewed tea that helps with sickness and to prepare the medicine as I carry Danielle up the stairs into our bedroom. I set her pale body down onto the bed and cover her body with the blanket. I wet a small towel and place it on her forehead, hoping it would reduce her fever.

Fuck, so suddenly? She was just running around and joke with me before her fever hit. My poor baby look like she's in so much pain, she squint her eyes while breathing unsteadily out of her nose. I could see a slight frown that was former on her face. Why her and not me? If I know a way to transfer this to me, I would.

I placed a soft kiss on her cheek then held her hand tightly. "It's okay baby. I'm here, you'll be okay. We'll get over this, okay?" I reassured her softly, my tone was filled with worry. I couldn't help it, I'd like to be calm and collected as I help her get over this but I couldn't. I have to at least be calm to be there for her, she's already sick, me panicking won't help at all. It might even add onto her sickness.

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