Dear Diary

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Note: Danielle have had this diary when she was about 15. Also she doesn't update the diary every single day.

Dear diary
Why is my life so miserable? Why can't my parents just be parents? Even for just one day?

I'm so tired.

Dear diary
I don't want to do this anymore.

Dear diary
I made a friend today. My ever first friend! Ahh maybe life isn't so bad! She's so sweet.

She said I can stay over at her house for the weekend cause her parents are going away!

For once Im excited for the weekend!

Dear diary
Hanni and me made cookies! We had so much fun today!

We cook and baked together, we also watched movies together and tell each other stories!

I think this was the most fun I've ever had.

Also someone at the supermarket asked me to go on a date with them but I declined. I hate people who ask me out without even trying to know me.

Dear diary
Hanni keep swinging her arms and I cant sleep.

I don't want the weekend to end.

Dear diary
Today me and Hanni went to the aquarium together, the little fishies were so adorable!

Also at lunch the ants took my sandwich. They we're probably hungry and I don't want to harm them so I didn't mind giving up my sandwich for the little ant friends!

P.S I named them bob, henry, sarah, jerry, and fred!

Dear diary
I have to go back home now :(.

But its okay!

Danielle fighting!

Dear diary
For once my parents aren't drunk!

Whoop whoop!

Maybe life is getting better!

Dear diary
Guess who stole all my hard earned money again.

Yeah. I thought they were trying to change but I guess not.

P.S, I wanna run away.

Dear diary
Jake asked me out... again.

For the 5th time.

Instead of always trying to flirt with me why don't he try to actually know me instead?

I hate people like this.

Dear diary
Ugh I have an exam tomorrow. Not that Im stupid or anything, I'm actually really smart but exams are a drag.

Wonyoung told me she will ask me out again until I say yes. Gosh, why are they all the same!

If you really love me then why don't you try to know me and become my friends first?

Dear diary
The lunch I prepared looks so good!

Fighting Danielle!

Dear diary
Oh my gosh.

It was raining a lot so I ran to a bus stop to take shelter and I met a girl. She looked older but she's so pretty. Her eyes look so much like a cat's and when she smiles her little fangs stick out.

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