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Haerin's hands gently rubs against the bare skin of Danielle's hips, moving her closely towards the kitchen counter until Danielle's back collided. Their lips still intact together with their tongues intertwining. Saliva started to slowly run down the corner of Danielle's lips as the kiss seem to be endless.

Danielle feeling out of breath, she signaled the other girl to stop by pushing her out by the shoulder slightly. Saliva streaks formed as their faces slowly pulls apart leaving them both gasping for air and blushing profusely.

To them the world froze, leaving the only two of them left. Both being lost in each other gaze, never once did neither of them look away; their gaze being filled with genuine love and desires.

Danielle wrapped her arms around the other's neck, whispering softly into her ear before intertwining their tongues once again. "Take me to the bedroom."

Haerin obeyed, she carefully lift her beloved up by the waist. Leaving Danielle to wraps her legs around Haerin's waist as they slowly but steadily move to the bedroom. Never once did their tongues disengage. 

She carefully placed Danielle's down onto their king sized mattress. Caressing her face as they continue to intensely make out. Haerin was the first to broke the kiss, leaving Danielle vulnerable and yearning for more.

"Danielle.. I don't have any condoms."

Danielle showed a sly grin as she pointed to her tote bag which is rested by the make up desk. "I came prepared you know. I wouldn't ask for a kid if I haven't done my studies yet." She teased.

Haerin grabbed out the small box of condoms inside the tote bag. In the mean time, Danielle have already stripped off her clothes and threw it onto the floor, waiting for Haerin to be next to her.

Haerin, with one hand pulling down her pants to take out her already hard and excited friend as her other hand tore open one of the condoms with the help of her fangs. She smirked as the condom slipped perfectly onto her 10inch.

"Ill make sure you never forget." Haerin whispered lovingly into Danielle's ear with a smirk still smeared on her face. Fuck, just this is enough to make Danielle want to orgasm.

Haerin proceed to leave lingering kisses trail down from Danielle's jaw to her neck. She quickly found the sweet spot before licking it then sucking on it, hard. Leaving with the desired effect; a hickey.

Danielle's eyes roll back slightly as she moan from all of the pleasure. It is her first time after all and Haerin want it to be perfect for Danielle.

Continue to trailing down the fragile body; leaving love marks all over her body. Red hickeys and bite marks are very visibly seen on the girl's upper body as Haerin left them there, marking Danielle to her own as she make her way down to the lower body.

Haerin gently push Danielle's legs apart; revealing her womanhood. She grinned before doing the same method as she did on her inner thighs; licking it before sucking on it. She would also leave a couple bite marks then and there.

This sent tingles all across Danielle's body, her eyes rolled back to her brain as she arch her back. Whimpers would exited her lips whenever Haerin would bite or suck a bit too hard on her thighs.

Haerin slowly pull her face out of Danielle's inner thighs, she grabs onto Danielle's hips softly while stroking her member with her other hand. "Are you ready, Danielle?" The fragile girl looked up with her big doe eyes and nodded.

Haerin slowly slide herself into Danielle's entrance. From all of the kissing and marking earlier got her entrance lubricated so it's a bit easier to go in. She tries her best to slide in gently, worrying she might break her, she also wants to make it perfect for Danielle.

About half way in, Danielle made a loud gasp which caught Haerin's attention. The girl's body is tensed up; her eyes shutting tight with tears holding onto the corners of her eyes. Her knuckles are white from grasping onto the bedsheet so tightly. Haerin used her right hand to intertwine it with Danielle's left hand. While her other hand cupped the girl's cheek as she uses her thumb to caress it and also wipe away the tears in the corner of her eye.

"Baby, look at me."

Danielle slowly open her eyes causing the few tear drops to roll down her cheek. Haerin smiled softly at her. "Relax. It's going to be okay. Just relax and enjoy, can you do that for me?" She asked softly.

"Can you kiss me?" Danielle pleaded, she didn't even need to ask in the first place. Haerin leaned in to kiss her wife softly and warmly. With a final thrust, her whole member is now inside Danielle. "Fuck. You're so tight baby." Haerin groaned as the walls are clenching onto her. Danielle arched her back as she squeeze Haerin's hand tightly. From all of the pleasure that she has built up from earlier, she finally reached her climax. She came hard while moaning out Haerin's name.

After a bit of letting her get used to the size, Haerin started slowly moving inside Danielle which causes her to moan messily with every movement. It feels like electric shots are going through their body.

Soon enough Haerin starts to fasten up her pace. The room is now filled with naughty sounds; the headboard of the bed hitting the wall with every thrust, the sound of skin clapping against each other as their bodies collide every millisecond along with a sloppy sound coming from Danielle's cum. The moans and groans were messy and loud but they didn't care. What matters to them right now is sharing their first intimacy with each other; a huge step in their relationship.

Haerin let her try out many different angles and position to make sure she's comfortable and it turns out to be Danielle's favorite position is horse riding.

She carefully hold onto the girl's hips to help guide her as she rides on the 10inch dick. Danielle places her hands on the other's chest. The moans were messy but the sex is simply too good for them to stop. They both came many times and went through every single condom that Danielle had. At this point the bedsheet is drenched with their liquids and sweats.


After about 5 hours of making love they finally stopped simply because Danielle passed out. Though, Haerin is surprised that Danielle even managed to held on for so long considering this is her first tine.

She carefully wipes down the girl's body and even bathe her, she made sure that Danielle is all clean first before putting her into her pajamas and then started to clean herself. She even change the bedsheets and all of the pillows and blanket.

Haerin leaned in to kiss the other's forehead gently before carrying her into the freshly made bed.

"I love you." She whispered with a wide smile on her face before slowly drifting off to sleep herself.

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now