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It has been exactly one week since their vacation from the lake house.


I sit on the edge of the mattress as I watches the stars glow outside. Tomorrow is finally the day, I thought I've become to accept it but it still haunts me. My heart aches as memories rushed back into my head.

"Hey, are you okay?" I snapped back from my thoughts as I heard her voice, the genuine sweet voice that makes me feel at home. I looked up into her eyes and It wasn't hard to smile at her.

I grabbed her arm to pull her into bed with me. I extended my arm to reach for the remote to turn off the lights. "Im tired, let's sleep, Danielle." I said softly with a faint smile on my face. She responded with a smile and nodded. "I also have to go somewhere tomorrow, so I'll be leaving early. I promise I'll make it up to you some other day."

"Haerin," Her silky soft hand cupped the side of my cheek as her fingers smoothly caresses my face. "You don't need to worry about me. Though, I'll be waiting for you." She added. I used my hand to put it on top of her hand whom is on my face and placed a gentle kiss on her index finger.

"I love you, poodle."


As morning came, I looked over to the fragile girl sleeping in the grasp of my arms. I smile as I watch her sleep, even when she's sleeping, she still manage to be the most beautiful person I have ever seen. All at once Danielle, you're the one I have been waiting for.

I carefully remove my arms from her and before I leave, I kissed her forehead softly. "I'll be home soon."

I went up to my room to shower and change because I don't want Danielle to wake up from her sleep.

"Haerin dear, drive safe." Butler Sam said as he tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, butler Sam has always been there for me even when I'm at my lowest. He's like an actual family member and grandfather to me. "Don't worry, I will." I smiled at him before getting into my ear.

The drive is around thirty minutes but it didn't seem like thirty, I was quite occupied with my thoughts during the drive. It freaks me out how at times my body would drive and subconsciously know where to go while my mind is occupied with thoughts.

I grabbed the bouquet of flowers resting on the passenger seat before heading off. The pathway was beautiful, cherry blossoms profusely fall down due to the wind. A few petals landed inside the bouquet which earned a few chuckles from me.

After a few minutes of walking, I finally reach my destination. I kneeled down to my mother's tombstone and placed down the bouquet of flowers. "I missed you, mom." I smiled before taking a seat next to her.

"I've been doing great. Oh! I'm also married now. I'll bring her to meet you someday. She's a great person, mom. To some extent, she reminds me of you. You both have a warm smile and the way she shuffle my hair just reminds me of you."

I softly touch the stone before continuing. "She's my daylight when my world is dark. She's also the prettiest girl I've ever seen, she got these big brown doe eyes and heart shaped lips. i feel like I'm so in love that I might stop breathing."

I continued to talk about my life and relationship with Danielle until a voice interrupted me.



The man was holding a bouquet in his hands while wearing a black suit. His hair is down which he usually do when he don't have work. He walked over to where I am and took a seat after he sets down the bouquet of flowers. This is the first time I've seen him in one year. We both were affected tremendously by my mother's death. The way he cope is by locking himself up and isolate himself from everyone, even his own daughter.

We sits there and stare blankly into the grass; neither one of us know the perfect thing to say at this moment. Though, I guess he must've thought very hard because he was the first to broke our silence.

"Congratulations, Haerin." I couldn't believe my eyes as I look over at him. His face showed a... smile. It was very faint but I can still code out the small curve at the corners of his lips. He turned his head to look at me straight on with a smile. This is the very time he has ever look at me in the eye ever since the incident.

"I'm sorry for being so distant." It took me awhile before I could fully process what he said. "It's fine, dad." My lips finally opened as my mind is still shocked upon hearing his words.

"It must've been hard to be alone all these years. Seriously, I'm very proud of you." His voice softens as it doesn't hold the intimating and stiffen tone anymore. "I'd like to meet your wife someday." He added and I chuckled.

"You'll love her, I just know it."

For once, in a very long time, me and him finally have a cheerful father and daughter conversation again. We talked for hours and hours and even bought lunch and came back to eat it with mom. It reminds me of that one time where we had a family picnic while I was little. Maybe, just maybe, we can have those moments again.

"So for the crucial question."


"Have... you guys did it yet?" I spat my drink out. I never would've thought this question would ever come out of his mouth.

"Cmon, don't be so surprised! It's normal for me wanting to know. I would love a grandchild, Haerin!"

He looks at me with his eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. I let out a sigh as my cheeks display a rose pink colour.

"We did it.. once." The old man had his jaw wide opened and he tried to wipe away his nonexistent tear. "My baby is grown."


We soon parted our ways. "I'll make sure to reach out a lot from now on." He said and I chuckled. "I'll see you around, dad." He got into his car and was about to drive off but he rolled down the window before flashing me a warm smile. "You grew up beautifully, Haerin."

Just like that he drove off. It was nice for us to talk again, I enjoyed it. I also soon drove off but not to go home. Instead, I'm driving to a place that hold great memories for me.

It's only a 6 minutes drive from my mom's grave. I parked my car at a public high school to take a stroll in the town. Everything is still the same as that day. The sky turned grey and slowly water droplets hits my body. I quickly ran to the nearest bus stop to take shelter.

Why did it start to rain so suddenly? I sigh then took a seat and used my handkerchief to dry myself.

Suddenly I heard footsteps as if someone is running towards me from afar. Slowly I see a person come into view but I still cannot see who it is. A little bit more, the person finally came under the roof of the bus stop. Her clothes are translucent from the amount of water it soaked up. She heavily pants from just running which revealed her perfectly aligned, white teeth.

I let out a smile before extending my hand out towards her which is holding the handkerchief.

"You're soaked."

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