Its okay to not be okay

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"I love you!!!" Danielle yelled while she shower my face with kisses, not leaving a single spot empty. I chuckle at the kisses; the way her lips brushes against my features tickled me. "Hey that tickles!" I started to fight back with the same method.

I cupped her adorably small face and started to attack with kisses, the same way she did with me. I could hear her giggle softly while portraying a wide smile on her face as she playfully try to push me off with such force that I believe could not even harm an ant.

"You're such a puppy did you know that?" She tilted her head slightly while looking up at me with her big brown doe eyes. Along with her wavy brown hair, she look just like a poodle puppy! "Hmm I don't think I do" even though she's denying it, her tone sounded so cute and adorable. For sure, she is a puppy.

"You deny it but you're literally acting like a puppy right now." I leaned in closer to her, we shared a soft kiss. Our tongue tangled with each other as it slow dance around. "You're my poodle dog." I added. Her doe eyes sparkled, she showed me a warm smile before burying her head in the cradle of my neck.

"Well then you're my kitty" we both chuckled while holding onto one another tightly, she was the first to broke our comfortable silence. "Are you not going to carry me to the couch then cuddle me then?" I rolled my eyes playfully before sliding my arms under her knees and neck to carry her.

"Whatever you want princess" I said sarcastically and she responded with a giggle.

"You do everything I say and I love it" I carefully set her down on the couch and leaned in to give her a soft peck. "Ill grab a blanket" she smiled and nodded.

I flop down onto the couch with Danielle laying next to me, we tangled up close under a warm but not too thick blanket.

"You know Haerin, my friends said they want to meet you"

"Hm? I dont mind but is there a reason why?"

"They were shocked when I told them I got married and they wanna know if you're good enough for me"

She chuckled softly as she snuggle herself into my chest, letting out noises that I don't know how to describe but she still sound adorable. Maybe they're puppy noises.

I run my hands softly up and down her back and kissing the top of her head for reassurance. "Well I will make sure that I treat you like a royal princess." She chuckled in response before giving me a soft peck that still lingers around after our lips parted.

"You've been doing a good job at that"

"That's not even 50% of what I'm planning to do"

"What are you planning to do then?" She smiled while looking at me once again with her big brown eyes. Gosh, can she get any cuter?

"I will carry you everywhere that you want to; kitchen, bathroom, car, school. I'll also feed you and shower you with love and affection every moment. You won't have to move a muscle."

She looked confused before bursting out laughing. "Okay now that's a bit too much!" , "its true though." I replied while chuckling myself. "I would forget how to be a person if you do everything for me, Haerin!"

"You deserve the best princess treatment that princess treatment ever offer"

"Okay now you're being very cheesy" she giggled then proceeds to place a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Oh please, you know you like it when I'm being cheesy" I said sarcastically then rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say kitty" she teased as she bury herself deep into my chest.

"I dont want to go back home" she mumbled against my body. "Me too baby, me too." I whispered softly into her ear.

We stayed tightly in one another's embrace. Our scent slowly morphing into one as her curves perfectly fit against mine as if we were handmade to be together.

The poodle Dani slowly drifted to her peaceful nap in my embrace. A faint smiled painted on my face; a feeling of warmth and.. love consumed me whole. I've never felt so at home and comfortable with a person ever since my mother's death. Heck, I never knew a person could make me feel at home.

I would do anything for this girl. I love her. So much. Tears slowly run down my cheeks, I've never felt so peaceful ever since my mother's death. Please, don't let me lose the last person that I love.

Before I could realize, I'm already silently sobbing like a little kid. For the first time ever since my mother's death. It feels like my heart is about to burst. Like some force of evil is taking over me, grasping my heart so tightly that it will burst into tiny pieces. Tears uncontrollably roll down my cheeks. I try to hold onto Danielle's body tightly for comfort.

I feel a soft sensation against my cheek. Her thumb slowly and softly caresses my cheek. No words, no sentences, no noise. Just her smile; so softly and gentle yet so warm and welcoming.

I can't hold it in anymore; all of my emotions bursted. My little bubble of sadness, anger, angst, fury, grief, confusion bursted. My heart feel tight, my vision become blurry as this time, I'm the one burying myself into Danielle.

Its pathetic, I'm sobbing like a little child. I thought I have overcome and accepted my mom's death but part of me still yearn to see her again, feel her soft fingers as it runs down and across my back; rocking me to sleep.

Though this time, the soft sensation running down my back isn't my mother's, it is Danielle's. Her soft touch comforts me as I continue to sob; trying to fix my bubble of emotions that seem to be too torn to cure.

"You did well." Her soft words echoed through my mind. She pushed me out slightly, leaving a small gap In between our bodies. She cupped my face and gave me a faint smile. "I'm proud of you." She added.

I used to sit in the shadow alone, contemplating my thoughts, trying my best to seal and hide my feelings deeper and deeper. I wanted to break away. I wanted to not feel anything anymore, forget about everything.. even myself.

But you, Danielle. You make me stay. You taught me to fight and to accept life.



Haerin slowly drifted off to sleep as she sob into my chest. I finally remembered. She's no other than the bobcat. The girl that I met at the bus stop. The first time we met she had a tint of sadness in her eyes; the kind of sadness that are not able to show. The kind of sadness that is being prisoned.

I run my fingers slowly down her back, comforting her sleep and reassure that I'm still here. Even though she always try to put up a tough act, deep down, all along was just a little girl who still wait for her mother to come back.

I want to be the person who makes her smile, the person she can rely one and share her emotions with. From happiness to sadness and even fury, I want to be there for her. At her lowest and highest. I missed you, bobcat.

After for what seem to be an hour or so, she finally woke up, her eyes and cheeks are all red and puffy. Though, her eyes doesn't linger sadness anymore, instead it sparkle of relief and comfort.

I closed the distance between our lips; her soft rounded lips brushes against mine. I smiled at her and eventually, her face showed me a genuine sweet but faint smile. My fingers softly brushes her hair, "Miss Kang, you're very beautiful."

She chuckled at me, "Where did that come from?" She asked in confusion but I just pull her in close, returning our previous position. "I just felt like it." I mumbled.

I love you, my bobcat.

Author's note: sorry for the late update. Also new book cover, what's your thought?

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