It must have been hard

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At times I would get dreams about my parents, how they used to verbally abused me and even kick me out multiple times when they're drunk. Nights like these, I could never go to sleep as the image of them would haunt me throughout the whole night

Ever since I was a little kid I've always been alone. No one was ever friends with me and my parents only glance at me when they want to take their anger out. I would cry myself to sleep every night until I've become numb of the feeling

Day after day, everything is just the same. I've gotten used to them saying hateful words towards me

"You're fucking useless"

"Why did i give birth to you?"

"I wish you were dead"

"Why can't you do anything for this family?"

"Go kill yourself"

In Middle School, the abuse was so bad that I was moments away from killing myself. I remember being one step away from falling off of a building until someone stopped me. It was Hanni, she has always been there for me. Cheer me up no matter what, she listens to me and make me laugh. If I never met her I would've died already

I kept twirling around in my bed tangled up in my sheets. I can't sleep, memories just keep rushing back in, I don't understand why. Why can't these memories just disappear?

I went down to the kitchen to get a glass of water to help me freshen up. These thoughts are going to be the death of me. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice someone entered the kitchen

"Why are you awake?" Her soft voice warmed my inside. A faint smile formed on my lips as I look at her, "i can't sleep, why are you up?" I asked softly as she walks over to me. "You'll age fast if you don't sleep properly" even at times like this she still manage to make me laugh and smile

"Look who's talking" I chuckled, "You still haven't told me why you're awake" I added while wrapping my arms around her

"I cant sleep either" she mumbled as she warmly pull me in for a hug. Her touch feels so warm, It feels like everything and everyone else disappeared with just the two of us left. All of my thoughts are just... gone when I'm with her, I wish this would never end

I bury myself deeper into her embrace, she seem to notice that I don't want to let go and squeeze me tighter. She runs her hands across my back making my eyelids feel somewhat heavy

"Let's sleep together" my eyes widened, I look at her in shock, "no no I don't mean sex or anything like that... just you know I don't like to be alone either and we both can't sleep.. i mean only if you want to of course" she started scrambling to find the right words which makes me chuckle

I pull her in close and got a sniff of her scent; the way she smells is so comforting and... warm

"sounds good" I whisper softly

We slept in my bedroom, she gently cuddle with me and before I knew it I have already doze off. This was the best sleep I've ever had in my entire life. She has never touch or even look at me with sexual desire, everything she does is so gentle and warm


I open my eyes slowly and try to get up but a pair of arms are wrapped around me so tightly that I'm unable to. I remember now, last night me and Haerin was sleeping together. I admire her sleeping, her face is so gorgeous goodness

Her beautiful straight brown hair, her high nose bridge, her rounded red lips and her sharp jawline. She's so beautiful. I can't help myself but warmly smile while looking at her

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