Danielle's Protection squad

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"Stop it tickles!" I giggle as bobcat continue to envelope my face with her kisses, not leaving a single spot empty. "We have to put the luggages away" I purred and she finally stopped for a moment. "Can't we do that later? I want to keep kissing you." She pouted. "I thought you said you were waiting for me to wake up so we could put them away." I questioned and she rolled her eyes in respond.

"That was when you were sleeping. Now that you're awake, I want us to spend quality time together. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee??" She whined while putting up her best kitten eyes. Damn, it is pretty impressive how her eyes can sparkle so much like a kitten.

I giggled then placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "We've been spending every minute together for the past few days. Aren't you tired of me yet?" She looked confused for a moment before pulling me closer and straddled my body onto her lap before intertwining our tongues together.

"I could never get tired of you, poodle. Matter of fact, I think we should go on another vacation so I can have you all to myself." I chuckled a little at her statement. She's been so cheesy lately... I love it. "Well.... the walls are sound proof." I smirked as I push her down slowly until her back touches the headboard.

She wraps her arms gently around my waist as I wrap mine around her neck. "I don't know baby. Your body is still sore from last night." I pouted a little at her response but she quickly pressed our lips together. The kiss feels soft and filled with adoration and pure love, my heart melts whenever her red lips is on mine. I need her to be next to me forever.

Just as the kiss intensifies we both heard a loud scream coming from the door and I immediately recognized whose voice it is.

"OMG. DANIELLE JUNE MARSH!" Due to instinct, I immediately push my face apart from Haerin's as we look towards the direction of the door. Hanni, Minji, Hyein, butler Sam, maid Nancy and Elizabeth are all standing there with their jaw open, especially Hanni. Hyein is covering up her eyes with her hands but she made a little gap in between her fingers to look through.

"Wha- why are you guys here? And why didn't you knock!" I raises my voice a little from embarrassment. "We did! But you two were too busy eating each other's face out!" Hyein said which made Hanni gasped once again. Her reaction never fails.

"How long have you guys been watching?" Haerin asked with some hint of amusement mixed with embarrassment in her tone. "Just now but long enough to see how it started." Said Minji as she nods her head.

I hid my face away with my palms to avoid their stares. Not just my friends but the maids and butlers saw too! "I didn't know you guys have already gone this far! Since Haerin is kind of a wimp and she gets flustered around Danielle..." Miss Elizabeth said but she mumbled the last part which is still loud enough for us to hear.

"Hey! I heard that!"

"Okay I think we all need to calm down but I bet the mistress' and her wife's hormones aren't very calm right now." Butler Sam can't even contain his laughter at his own tease and started bursting out laughing hysterically.


"So why are you guys here again?" Haerin asked with a bit of irritation probably because they ruined our moment together. "I need to make sure you're good enough for Danielle." Hanni answered back while she shuffle herself on the couch and the others all nodded.

"Aww!!" I went over to give Hyein, Hanni, and Minji a group hug. "Thank you guys!! Haerin treats me very well you shouldn't have to worry."
Hanni sobbed quietly (actually very soundly) in our arms. "My baby finally became a woman.." She mumble as she continue to sob.

"Hanni you're overreacting again." Hyein said as she shakes her head.

"How could you say that, Hyein! Danielle has finally grown!" Hanni pouted with tears still rolling down her cheeks. Minji carefully uses the sleeve of her turtle neck to wipe away her tears. "Hanni its okay, our baby just grew up." Minji reassured Hanni which made me smile awkwardly and Hyein rolling her eyes.

Just then I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist to pull me away. Haerin kisses me softly before whispering into my ear. "Hey! I want a hug too." I chuckled a little, she can be so clingy and possessive at times. "Oh bobcat, you know I always give you way more than just a hug."

I was about to lean in for another kiss until I realize that there are still other people in the room. I looked over and was met with a very huge expression on others' faces.

"Oh my... I didn't know you guys are this far into the relationship already. Oh dear..." The head maid, Elizabeth said slowly as she fake faint. Butler Sam looked at us with his jaw wide open.

"They even have pet names too..." Minji whispered loudly with her tone being filled with shock.

Hanni furrowed her eyebrows before speaking. "As the leader of Danielle's protection squad, I swear Haerin, If you ever hurt Danielle you won't see daylight again."

"Actually, I'm the leader of Danielle's protection squad since I am her wife after all." Haerin challenged.

Oh no, I sense that a battle is coming up.

"Wife? Actually, I had her first so she's really my wife before you came."

"Actually, for your information, I've known her since a long time ago. We were destined to be. Plus, you have her." Haerin scoffed as she points to Minji sitting while shaking her head with her index and thumb to massage her forehead.

"When did you guys get popcorn?!" I asked in confusion while looking over at Hyein sharing her popcorn with butler Sam and Elizabeth and Nancy are sharing one together.

"Nuh uh. Me and her share a special bond together that you'll never know of." Hanni said as she rolls her eyes.

"Oh yeah? Well she passionately and lovingly slept with me and screamed my name not yours." Haerin smirked as I try to hide my face away from embarrassment. Seriously why would she bring this up! A loud gasped was heard as everyone in the room besides us gasped in unison.

"You bastard! How could you do that to my baby!" Hanni yelled but Haerin just stick her tongue out in a mocking way in response.

"Guys.. I think we should sit down and have some tea to calm down." I suggested. Their glances went over to me but their sharp intense glance quickly turned to a soft one.

"Fine." They answered in unison.

This is going to be an interesting day.

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