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Haerin has been less busy with her work lately which result in her spending more time with Danielle

They would occasionally have alone time together, wether its just watching a movie together or going out to eat. They enjoyed each other's company, no force chemistry, no sexual tension. Just simply two person who enjoy and relax together

"Ughh!!" Danielle let out a groaned as she hit her face with a textbook. Haerin looked back in worry, "what's wrong?". Danielle peeped her eyes out, looking at the other girl, Haerin could see the frown she's forming despite her mouth being blocked with a textbook. "I have an exam tomorrow and I haven't even memorized or understand the material"

Haerin smiled softly as she walks over to Danielle, she gently rubbed her hands on the girl's back, showing her reassurance. "There there, i'll help you with it so don't beat yourself up. We can go over it slowly" Danielle nodded at the offer

They spent around 2 hours going over the material, making sure Danielle understood and memorized all of them

"Finally!" Danielle yelped out in enjoyment. She quickly closed the textbook and put all of her studies away. "Despite being so smart, you seem to hate studying" Danielle let out a big stretch as she responds, "of course not, i mean who actually enjoy studying??"

Haerin raised her eyebrows, after thinking for about 2-3 minutes, "how about i take you to get dinner after your classes are finished?" Danielle's face immediately lit up with the brightest and cutest smile Haerin has ever seen. Seeing her smile so brightly melted Haerin's heart

"That would be awesome!!!"


Danielle got dropped off in a beautiful black Porsche. As usual her best friend, Hanni waited for her at the entrance and cling onto her arm

"Hey Dani!"

"Hey Hanni!!"

Hanni grinned, "you look so much better nowadays! Im so glad you dont have to be with those stupid parents of yours" Danielle grinned and let out some small chuckles, "i am happy"


We're finally done with the exam, I feel like I did pretty well, thanks to Haerin, she made learning all of the materials so much easier. Is there anything she cannot do? She's so gentle and kind, she's always making me laugh.. Im honestly glad that i grew up in a shitty home. If i didnt, would i still have met her? If i didnt, would i be smiling right now living my best life?

I drifted into thoughts before someone bring me back to reality

"Hey girl! You're head is up in the clouds again!" Hanni yelled into my ear, I jerked up in surprised, "geez! Did you have to scare me like that??" She grinned and patted my shoulder, "wanna go get dinner with me, minji, and hyein?" I frowned. "Im so sorry! I would love to but i already have plans with someone.."

Hanni gasped in surprised, "WHAT?? MY DANI IS FINALLY IN LOVE??!!!" I shushed her quickly, not wanting anyone to hear our conversation. "No dummy! You're being too loud!! Its just a... a friend" Hanni doesn't know i got married, I just told her my aunt got custody of me and im living with her. She just thinks that my aunt is super rich thats why I've been getting to school in such a nice car and wearing such nice clothes

I mean how could i tell her? I got married overnight with the heir of the Kang family? She would freak out and cause trouble for Haerin, she can be so overprotective at times

As we walk out of the entrance, I could spot Haerin leaning against her red Lamborghini from far away. No one knows about our "relationship" so parking afar to not cause much attention is the best idea

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now