land ho!

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POV Charlie

I stepped onto the deck in the early hours of the day, a mug of tea in my hands, I took a deep breath of the salty sea air, There was a cold sting in the air, and for a moment I was transferred into back to that beach in Cornwall.

"Cold?" I turned around to find Moon sitting on the stairs, she had a book on her lap and her own mug of tea to enjoy.

"The knight with the pan?" I asked pointing to the mug in her hand.

She nodded. "He was thinking it would help cheer people up,"

"I swear Damian Snueak off with a mug as well," I answered. "What have you been reading,"

Moon looked up. "Long Bright River," she said. "Nina recommended it to me."

"Can't say I've heard of it, any good?" I asked

"It is," Moon replied.

"Might have to check it out...I wonder if the frostbourne library has copy" I wondered thinking of millions of books.

"Maybe," Moon said. "But Nina and Jun has books that's not from my world. It might be in their world only... not sure."

"I have a few books like that, the complete Sherlock Holmes doesn't exist here," I said taking a sip of his tea.

"That's sad," Moon said. "I believe that all books should exist in all universes. I mean, people are missing out on such great experiences!"

"Certainly, it's weird to think they are books and I have read, that no one else I will meet would have even heard of," I said

Moon nods in agreement. "But I'm sure Meeps could somehow find one of those books. She's... gotten in a bit of a habit of hacking."

She shrugs. "Probably doesn't mean anything. Hey, do you have one of those Sherlock books?"

"I have one big book in my bag, it's like my own bible," I answered.

Moon sighed. "I remember back when I had time to read," she said. "Now it's just chaos after more chaos after even more chaos."

I nodded. "I know that feeling, I used to go through a book a week once, since coming here I haven't really read much,"

"Have you ever... thought about going back home?" Moon asked.

"Yes," I answered

"Have you... ever considered leaving your friends because of that?" Moon asked

I sighed. "I did, for a while, it was my soul goal," I thought back to all the time spent at the reality station.

"Now what do you believe?" Moon asked. "What do you want to do?"

"I would love to go home, even only briefly, because I never got to say goodbye to my dad, but I..." I choked on the words. "But I couldn't leave my friends behind, Rain, Stella, Azura, Crystal and all the others,"

Moon sighs, and hands Charlie a photo

It's a photo of a village, a small village

"Was this your home?" I asked

Moon sighed. "It was..." she smiled wistfully. "It used to be just me and Ember. We were best friends since the day we met, even though we were nothing alike. I wanted to read and he wanted to run out with a sword and stab things."

"People make friends with the most unlikely of people," I answered. "I'm sorry you lost it, it must hurt,"

"We're... actually planning to go back." Moon sighed

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