A Sister's revenger

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The group gathered in the war room, although Crystal and Razer hadn't arrived Lance chose to start explaining what was going on, who Sora was and why she wanted him to die, the reaction to what Lance had down was mixed. 

Patrick thought about his childhood, his father and what he did to him and his sister, but he also didn't do this, Sora's attack had cost innocent lives, and Patrick was better than that, he would not kill an innocent. 

Sheila's thoughts had drifted back a long time to her own childhood and the death of her family, and of her sister, she remembered how it had affected her, but that ender enderkin, the one who attacked them wasn't like Lance, he was darker, Lance was haunted by his action, that enderkin...never questioned his actions. 

"do you regret?" Azura asked, not as a friend but as a mother, thinking of her daughter. 

Lance had tears pricking his eyes. "Not a moment of my life goes by where I don't see her blood on my hands, or her body," He looked down at the floor. "I have done so much to try and make up for,"

"and if you hadn't if you decided to not help, I wouldn't of survived, Crystal would be dead," Sheila said. 

"But we still have to do something, we can't just let Sora keep attacking us," Stella said. "she's gonna hurt more people," 

"We can't go after her," Rain said. "she's the second in command of one of the great ender kingdoms," 

"She has attacked my city, killed my people," Patrick said. "that is an act of war," 

"all do respect Patrick, but even the frostbourne can't fight a war against the gateway, they would dismantle you in minutes,"

"Dragon Tamer you do not give the orders here, remember that!" Patrick stopped. 

Crystal and Razer came bursting into the room Crystal lifted up a note. "they have CERIS!" she yelled tripping over her own feet but pushing the note into Gwendoly's hands. 

Gwendoly read it out loud. 

To the Exile

you have 24 hours to surrender yourself to me, and face true judgment for your crimes, fail to do so Ceris will be killed.


the group all looked at each other. "That settles it," Lance said. "I have to hand myself over," 

"Even if we'd let you do that," Stella started. "what we won't, How would you get there?" 

"Another Ender kin can take me to the end with them if we both wish to go," Lance explained. 

the group once again grew silent. 

"I'll take him," Sheila said. "I'm part ender kin," 

"We are not giving Lance up!" Stella yelled. 

"Stella, please," Lance walked over to her and took her hand. "I have to do this, I can't let anyone else pay for my mistakes,"

"Good luck Lance," Azura said walking over and giving him a hug, which got an odd look from most of the room. 

"Come on Lance," Sheila said, but Gwendolyn also came over. 

"I want to make sure my sister is okay, I'm coming to," Gwendolyn said, and Lance nodded as the three disappeared. 

"What now?" Rain asked. 

"Go to the end, you and Stella, gather the ender watchers and explain what's happened to their leader," Azura said. "Patrick, we'll ready our own forces," 

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