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So what's the plan ? Asked the Aussie boy

Sunoo started explaining the plan he came up with .
That will do for now . Exclaimed Jake .
That night passed by and soon enough the Sun shined.

They are here ! Sunoo whispered shouted to Jake after putting his binocular aside.

As the black Benz stopped . In front of the huge building.
Sunoo's camera started shuttering.
Ugh fuck  . Red hair latter groaned . They were covering him like a blanket.  You didn't get any?
Actually I did get one . Said Sunoo checking the shots he took

 Said Sunoo checking the shots he took

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Guess it's pretty much fine.  Send it to Taesung assistant.  Sunoo nodded in agreement

After waiting in the car for many hours , their plan started .
Jake started the engine and turned the steering wheel .
Not to be obvious they kept their car speed medium
Their actual plan was to find Sunghoon place .

Because even on the internet there was no actual information about his address and all .

They were hesitant to keep following them as they were almost entering the forest .
Should we continue to follow them ? Asked Jake
Though the younger was hesitant but gave in .

They continued following them . When the black Benz stopped Jake also stopped the car quite far .
Sunoo stepped out with sling bag

Be careful. Sunoo nodded . Waiting for Sunghoon and his secretary to enter the mansion. He himself entered the mansion slowly and carefully .

It was impossible to enter from the front gate as it was guarded .

Hiding from guards he somehow made it inside by climbing the wall . Taking a deep breath . We can do it . Sunoo mumbled. 

He unzipped the bag and started installing a hidden camera . He didn't succeed in installing one in the front gate as it was highly protected .
He did succeed in installing a few . Checking the footage on his laptop.  A smile crept on his lips .
This will do . He said proudly.

Works done . Sunoo whispered and turned off his earpiece. He climbed the wall and exited the mansion.

STALKER TO SPOUSE  (Sunsun)Where stories live. Discover now