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Soon after Jake left Sunoo's phone started buzzing..
Without checking he picked it up .
Sunoo:- Hello

Tracy :- sunoo it's me , i wanted to talk- toot toot'~~~~~~

Sunoo hung up after listening to the voice . Without even caring to give it a little thought he drifted to sleep.

Sunoo eyes flickered open when Jake Slowly shook him .

He sat up and rubbed his eyes , stretched his body which was hurting because he slept on the couch not so comfortably.

"What's it , you are either working and stressing over the black hair guy or you are sleeping. Why don't you pay another visit to your mother?"

Jake suggested but soon realised it was a bad idea because of how the younger face fell down .

"I will report to the company about today" said Sunoo after getting up .

It was almost 1 am but Sunoo wasn't a bit close to sleeping. He already slept enough in the morning.

He was going through Sunghoon Instagram images . Where barely few posts were posted.



-Take a walk

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-Take a walk....

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Unknowingly a small smile forms on his lips . "Am i really obsessed?" He asked himself again .

His eyes drifted to his door when his knob twisted . "You aren't sleeping?" Jake asked peeking from the door.

Sunoo shook his head . When Jake walked inside he pointed at the pc screen.

"Him again" he mumbled and walked towards the window sill . He sat on it looking at the stars .

"What's wrong Jake hyung ?" Asked the younger .
There's a lot going on in my mind" Replied Jake .
"Mind sharing it?" Sunoo asked looking concerned and ready to Console his elder .

"There's a thing bothering me , I'll tell you when I'm ready . Jake told the younger .

"Don't worry, it's okay to tell me whenever you feel like. I'm always here" -Sunoo

"I don't like this Sunoo and you know why" Jake said a little irritated .

"it's just how I am" Sunoo whispered looking down while playing with his fingers .

Jake pov

I have always hated it and I still do "you are every one therapist but who's yours?" I asked him . His eyes were glistening with guilt .
"I'm observing you for a few days , you are going back to your shell again"

"Hyung! Let's not talk about anything" He yelled not too loud but he did .

I looked at him feeling done but i didn't want to argue with him ."listen boy i didn't come to argue let's have a civil talk , we can handle things maturely" i told him and gave reassurance.

He went quiet for a while but looked at me again . "So what's bothering you ? Is it Sunghoon?" I inquiry. He shook his head a little.

"It's about mom , hyung . I wonder when I can talk to her again . It hurts . I want to see her standing and smiling at me just like she did back in days. I want her to hug me"

"First her but now I hate to admit Sunghoon is causing me many issues and problems and lastly Tracy but again more of all i want is mom back all good and fine I wonder if it will ever happen " he said a tear slipped down his face .

"Hy-ung it hurt so m-uch" he said bringing his knees and hugging it .


Show love engenes 💜💜💜 Also thanks for 1.5k read i can't belive thank you so much..✨ stay healthy take care 💌

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