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"Bring Sunoo from his room" Sunghoon commanded . His voice was not of requesting but it was an obliged tone.

Sunghoon glanced up from his paperwork at the sound of a knock on his office door. "Come in," he called out, his tone firm yet commanding.

As the door opened, his eyes met the figure of the young man entering the room. Sunghoon observed him carefully.

His expression unreadable as he removed his glasses and set them down on the polished desk.

"Why aren't you eating?" Sunghoon's voice cut through the silence, sharp and cold, betraying a hint of frustration.

Sunoo's gaze remained fixed on his fidgeting fingers, unable to meet Sunghoon's piercing stare.

His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to find the right words.

The black haired male gaze bore down on him with intensity, demanding a response. "I asked you something," he repeated, his voice firm and unwavering.

"I keep on losing appetite," Sunoo mumbled quietly, his words barely audible as he tried to avoid Sunghoon's wrath.

The admission hung heavy in the air, a fragile attempt to explain his behavior without inciting further anger of Sunghoon.

The black haired male sighed heavily, his frustration evident as he turned his attention back to his paperwork. "Sit," he instructed, his tone softer this time.

Sunoo obeyed silently, sinking into the plush cushions of the comfortable couch at Sunghoon's command.

The elder male swiftly called Jo and issued an order for food to be brought to his office.

Moments later, the maid arrived with a tray of spaghetti, which she carefully placed on the sofa table before silently retreating from the room.

The tension in the air seemed to dissipate slightly as Sunghoon gestured for Sunoo to eat.

The silent offering a tentative gesture of understanding amidst the underlying complexities of their relationship.

Sunghoon looked up after a while as he found Sunoo looking at him all confused. His head tilted slightly and the food untouched.

This cute view made Sunghoon feel crawls in his stomach.

"Eat it" Sunghoon said softly.

The younger nodded and took a bite. His eyes sparkling as the yummy taste hit his tongue.

"How did you know I like this? Hyung?" Sunoo asked confused.

Sunghoon gulped as he got caught "Tracy told me you like them" 

Sunoo nodded and continued to eat though the room went silent but it was quite comfortable..

Sunghoon again looked up from his paper work and looked at Sunoo who was busy eating.

He couldn't help but steal glances of Sunoo, his gaze tracing the delicate features that seemed to glow under the soft light of the office.

The sight of Sunoo's milky skin, rosy lips, and tousled red bangs sent a shiver down Sunghoon's spine, a reminder of the unexpected pull he felt towards the younger man.

"I must be going crazy" Sunghoon mumbled slowly and forced his eyes to focus on the files.

The red haired male soon finished eating he got up with the empty tray in his hands .

"You don't have to worry about it the maid will take care of it" Sunghoon said and stood up.

He fixed his hoddie and walked towards Sunoo.
Seeing the elder approaching him,  a sense of tension gripped Sunoo.

STALKER TO SPOUSE  (Sunsun)Where stories live. Discover now