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no matter the personal cost. For Jake's sake, he would do whatever it took to ensure his friend's safety, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness and freedom in the process. And if that's what's written in his fate he will gradually agree..

Sunoo pov
Now I was sitting in this lavish room. It was  Park mansion i remember the first time i sneaked here to install cameras.

When I was in a difficult situation and had to make a decision, Jake hyung wasn't by my side. my eyes started to tear up. 

Even in this huge room I felt lonely. My eyes moved to the door as I heard knock on it .  I was afraid and tensed.

The knock on the lavish marble door sent a shiver down my spine.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of fear grip me as I wondered who stood on the other side.

Tracy's demand still echoed in my mind, and the thought of marrying Sunghoon felt like a heavy weight pressing down on my chest.

As Tracy led me to the park mansion, my steps faltered with each trembling breath. The unfamiliar surroundings only added to my sense of unease, leaving me feeling lost and helpless.

The voice announcing entry only heightened my anxiety, and I braced myself for what was to come.

When Heeseung entered with a food tray in hand, I couldn't hide the tears that welled up in my eyes.

I wiped away the tears with a trembling hand, trying to compose myself in front of Heeseung's cold gaze. But as he spoke, his demeanor softened slightly, and his word's offered a glimmer of reassurance.

"Don't worry, he is safe," Heeseung said, his voice carrying a hint of warmth that caught me off guard.

Putting down the food tray on the bed he looked at me "Sunghoon sent me personally to take care of you and make sure that you have eaten"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Heeseung's lips, and for a fleeting moment, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

His words, though sudden, provided a semblance of comfort amidst the chaos of uncertainty.

As Heeseung assured me of Jake's safety and encouraged me to eat, I felt a faint glimmer of hope flicker within me.

"Don't worry Jake is completely safe and sound and about living here you will soon mix up in this House atmosphere everyone here are nice except a few but don't worry Jo and me will treat you as a brother .

As he left . I looked at the food tray on the bed . At this moment I guess what Heeseung hyung said was really needed .

Even though he is lying or not it was very much needed .

But I still didn't have the appetite to eat .

The untouched food sat on the tray, a silent reminder of the turmoil swirling within me.

I found myself lost in thoughts, gazing out of the window at the serene beauty of nature.

A stark contrast to the chaos that had engulfed my life.

How had things taken such a sudden and unexpected turn? From a mere stalker to a captive within the confines of Sunghoon's lavish home.

I struggled to make sense of the surreal situation I found myself in. Was it fate or simply my own misfortune that had led me here?

The sound of the door opening snapped me out of my reverie, and I turned to see a maid standing before me.

She looked at me and said "Master Sunoo please come downstairs and have a look around the house , it will help to lighten your mood"

STALKER TO SPOUSE  (Sunsun)Where stories live. Discover now