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He was walking but stopped and turned around a little "let's go Sunoo"

The other male quickly got up after hearing the command and followed behind Sunghoon.

Sunoo pov

I stirred from slumber, my gaze drifting to the sight of him, already seated and engrossed in his work.

His black hair framed his face, his glasses adding a touch of seriousness to his demeanor.

He looked poised, almost untouchable, yet undeniably handsome.

Rolling over in the expanse of the bed, I sensed his awareness of my awakening.

As I sat up, I couldn't help but watch him, my movements slow and deliberate.

"You should get up and freshen up," he said, breaking the silence with a gentle yet commanding tone.

I paused, meeting his gaze with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

Despite the simplicity of his words, there was an underlying complexity to his presence that left me uncertain of how to respond.

As our eyes met, mine flickered with confusion while his radiated reassurance and warmth.

In that shared glance, it felt like he understood the turmoil swirling within me, offering a silent promise of support and understanding.

"We are going to the fairy garden , remember?" He said and chuckled .

My cheeks flushed red as i realised that he was right and i actually forgot what mom told me last night .

I rubbed my nape and nodded , i was walking towards the washroom as Sunghoon hyung voice interpreted my thoughts.

"I'll be downstairs" he said and removed his glasses closing his laptop lid before getting up and walking towards the door.

I hummed but stopped as he didn't completely left the room as he continued to stand on the door frame .

I raised my eyebrows slightly waiting for him to say what he wants to .

"Make sure to cover your skin , there's a lot of insects there" he said and walked out without waiting for my response.

I couldn't help but feel cared. I entered the shower as the water started to fall down and soon wrapped around my warm body .

Under the steady stream of the shower, I lifted my hand, watching as droplets cascaded over the shiny diamond ring adorning my finger.

Its sparkle caught the light, a tangible reminder of the commitment I had made.

In that solitary moment, with the rush of water enveloping me.

I couldn't help but ponder the weight of the vows I had exchanged and the journey they had set me on.

As the warmth of the water enveloped me, I couldn't shake the realization that life had become noticeably easier than before.

With a mother who loved me unconditionally and Sunghoon hyung, who, despite his seemingly cold exterior, had shown me kindness in his own way, the edges of my world seemed to soften.

It was a revelation that brought a sense of comfort and gratitude, reminding me that amidst the challenges .

There were pockets of warmth and acceptance to be found.

Finishing up in the shower, I dressed in a thin, yet fully covering outfit.

Heeding Sunghoon hyung's advice about the park's insect population.

STALKER TO SPOUSE  (Sunsun)Where stories live. Discover now