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Shadows danced around him, concealing the impending danger. Suddenly, a chilling revelation struck him that the man was not alone, and the trap was closing in .

Sunoo stumbled out of the lively party, his heart racing. He gasped for breath, the pulsating music fading behind him as he reached the dimly lit street. 

where Jake was waiting for him . His mind was busy processing what happened suddenly and where it went wrong .

In the distance, he spotted Jake's car, but as he approached, a sinking feeling gripped him.

The car was empty, and Jake was nowhere to be found.

Panic set in as Sunoo frantically scanned the surroundings, calling out Jake's name. The night seemed eerily silent, amplifying his fear.

Shadows danced along the quiet street, casting doubt on every corner.

Sunoo's mind Shadows danced along the quiet street, casting doubt on every corner. Sunoo's mind raced with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last.

He dialed Jake's number repeatedly, desperation mounting with each unanswered call.

"I should've not came here.. i shouldn't have agreed to make you wait" he said lowly looking around.

Blaming himself for everything. The streetlights flickered, adding an ominous ambiance to the situation.

His imagination ran wild, conjuring scenarios that fueled his anxiety. Was Jake in trouble? Had something terrible happened?

Suddenly, a distant sound caught Sunoo's attention. A muffled shout echoed through the still night air.

With a renewed sense of urgency, he followed the sound, praying it would lead him to Jake. As he turned a corner, Suddenly a strong hand clamped over his mouth, and he inhaled a sickly-sweet scent.

The world blurred, and consciousness slipped away.

The last thing he could think of was his mother, Jake and Niki .


Sunoo eyes flickered open , disoriented and groggy, he found himself in a pitch-black room.

Panic surged within him as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. The air felt heavy, and the silence was broken only by the foot clicking on the floor .

As if a woman was clicking her pencil heel on the marble floor.

Groping in the darkness, his hands met cold, smooth marble surfaces. He strained his ears, hoping for any clue about where he was.

Gradually, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, revealing dim outlines of unfamiliar figures in the room.

Fear gripped Sunoo as he realized the gravity of the situation. Questions raced through his mind. Who had kidnapped him, and why?

The room offered no answers, only shadows standing on the walls. Sunoo's attempts to recall the events leading to his abduction were thwarted by a persistent headache.

His eyes squinted against the sudden onslaught of light, revealing the unexpected assembly of people in the room.

As the illumination settled, he recognized the faces that now surrounded him-Tracy, his cousin with whom he harbored a bitter history.

He was shocked to see her  but what was more surprising to see was Niki there and just beside him was Jo which surprised him more.

What he was feeling right now is betrayal from all those he thought were his , and the shockingly familiar figure of Sunghoon .

He was trying to connect dots . Sweat trailed from his forehead.

Why was Tracy with Sunghoon,  was the question Sunoo was trying to find the answer of.

Sunghoon's cold yet smirking gaze sent shivers down Sunoo's spine.

The tension in the room was palpable as Sunoo struggled to comprehend the bizarre gathering.

Questions raced through his mind, and he shot bewildered glances at each person present.

Tracy's expression held a mix of resentment and curiosity, while Niki's and Jo eyes conveyed concern, .

Sunghoon, however, remained an ominous presence, his motives unclear.

Just behind him was Heeseung standing stoically , adding an extra layer of mystery to the situation.

Sunoo's mind raced to make sense of the connections among these individuals and why they had orchestrated this unsettling reunion.

Before he could utter a word, The black haired male spoke with a tone that dripped with calculated intent. "Surprised, Sunoo? You've been quite persistent in observing my life. It's time you
understand the consequences of meddling in affairs that don't concern you."

As the weight of Sunghoon's words settled, Sunoo realized that the past had caught up with him in the most unexpected and unnerving way.

The room, now illuminated with harsh light, held secrets and tensions that demanded resolution, leaving Sunoo trapped in a web of intertwined relationships and unresolved conflicts.


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And please follow me for other update which make take place in future after this book will be completed..
Bye ~

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