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The events set in motion were beyond my
control, and I could only watch as the consequences unfolded, powerless to intervene.

Sunoo stirred in the lavish room, his stomach protesting the lack of food from the previous day.

With a sigh, he rose from the bed and made his way to the washroom, the weight of exhaustion evident in every step.

As he brushed his teeth, his eyes met his reflection in the mirror, and a wave of despair washed over him.

Mid-brush, Sunoo's hand collided with the tiles, his frustration palpable as he leaned against the sink.

His mind was a whirlwind of painful memories of his father's betrayal, his mother's coma, Niki's departure, and now, Jake's disappearance.

It felt as though he had been abandoned by everyone he cared about, leaving him with an overwhelming sense of emptiness.

Running his fingers through his silky red hair, Sunoo tried to gather himself, seeking solace in the familiarity of his own reflection.

But the sadness etched on his face told a different story, a silent testament to the battles he had fought and the scars he carried.

With a heavy heart, he stepped into the shower, the cascade of water providing a brief respite from the turmoil of his thoughts.

As the cool water washed over him, he closed his eyes, hoping to find a moment of peace amidst the chaos that threatened to consume him.

After his shower, Sunoo slipped into an oversized light green hoodie that draped over his upper thighs, paired with comfortable shorts.

With a sigh, he stepped out of his room, the weight of the day already pressing down on him.

The maid's voice broke through his thoughts, reminding him to eat. Sunoo made his way to the table and sat on a counter chair, his appetite dulled by the events of the morning.

He absentmindedly picked up a spoon, his mind drifting as he waited for his meal.

Sunghoon's voice echoed through the grand hallway as he descended the stairs, engrossed in a phone call.

Sunoo's heart sank as he overheard the conversation Sunghoon was discussing his marriage with someone, and the realization hit Sunoo like a ton of bricks.

As Sunghoon approached, his expression unreadable, Heeseung intervened, urging them to leave for the company immediately.

Sunoo's mind raced with a mix of confusion and apprehension, the weight of the impending decisions looming heavy on his shoulders as he braced himself for what lay ahead.

As Sunghoon left urgently with Heeseung ,
leaving Sunoo alone once again, a heavy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

The mention of marriage lingered in his mind, casting a shadow over his already troubled thoughts.

Sunoo's appetite waned as he sat at the table, toying with his food absentmindedly.

With each swirl of the spoon, his mind wandered, replaying the events of the morning and the daunting future that lay ahead.

The once appetizing meal now seemed unappetizing, the taste of uncertainty and unease lingering in every bite.

His thoughts drifted to Jake, the friend whose safety hung in the balance, and the weight of responsibility weighed heavily on him.

Lost in a sea of conflicted emotions, Sunoo found himself unable to muster the appetite to eat.

With a heavy heart, he pushed his plate aside, the food untouched as he grappled with the tumultuous storm of thoughts and emotions raging within him.

STALKER TO SPOUSE  (Sunsun)Where stories live. Discover now