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Sunoo took a taxi back to their apartment, Where he was greeted by his cousin sister Tracy.

What are you doing here Tracy? Sunoo never really liked her.
To be honest it was because she was from his dad's side of the family.

Sunoo never wanted to keep in contact with any of his dad's relatives but Tracy never left his side.

Why are you here? Sunoo was exasperated by the situation.

He looked at Jake who was sitting on the couch For explanation.

She wanted to have a talk with you. Said Jake feeling bad for letting Tracy in.

But I don't want to have any conversation with her . Said Sunoo . He removed his jacket and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water

You should leave Tracy . The red haired male said after gulping the water .

Sunoo wasn't someone to disrespect others but the rage inside him for his dad and anyone who was related to him .

Aren't you related to your dad too ? Said Tracy .

I'm not related to him in any way! Yelled Sunoo .

You are his son . Jae beom is your father . Accept it Sunoo . Tracy said

Sunoo hated this . He hates to admit the fact . He spared a Follow me glance and entered his room .

When Tracy entered. He straightforwardly asked.

What do you want from me ?

I don't want anything. Just accept my money Sunoo . I can pay for your and yours mother's expenses just stop this stupidity . Told Tracy .

I have told you not once but many time . I don't want your help. Snapped Sunoo angrily.

Stop being stubborn. I'm elder , i don't want your respect , i can't stand seeing you like this . It's really stupid to stalk others privet life .

You think I want to do this ! No I don't. But i don't want you and your help . You have the same blood as him . I can't trust you now get out !

Tracy sigh . Her eyes went on his desk . Many things caught her eyes The laptop view, the pictures and more .

Guess you really won't change your mind . Call me if you need anything. She said and grabbed her expensive hand bag .

But before she finally left his room she said ' you have the same blood as him , not everyone is the same',

Door click*

Sunoo plopped on his bed . He hated his father and others but more than that he sometimes hated his life . Nothing seems to go right .
Everything he do turns out to be problem that he caused on himself .

He slightly turned his head to the wall where his desk was kept . The pictures taped on the wall .

The man in the photos looked very visually pleasing and stunning but in real life he seems very perilous .

Sunoo was very tired that without realising he fell asleep.

ᵀᴵᴹᴱ ˢᴷᴵᴾ >>>>>>>

Soft hands caressing the boy hair .
Mom ! When did you wake up? Why are you standing !? You should rest ! A worried Sunoo yelled.

The woman in lite yellow dress held her son hands .

Don't worry about me . I'm all right . The woman gave Sunoo reassurance.

Sunoo . Mom is very sorry . At this age you have to do all this for me. Forgive me .

Sunoo my son ,start to take care of yourself. His mother caressed his hands .

I don't have to worry about it , i have you .

Mom loves you my Sun but I won't forever be here for you . The lady said smiling sadly.

Don't say that mom . I love you too . Sunoo said smiling back .

This is all my fault, please forgive me, at this age you should have been enjoying but here you are working hard for me . I couldn't play the role of a good mother, I'm sorry Sun .

Tear rolling down the young boy cheeks.

Don't say that mom , you are the best mother figure someone can have .

Don't end up like me . Said the lady . Before Sunoo can reply , the grip of their hands intertwined lossen.  He saw his mother smiling at him with her eyes filled with tears .

Watching the figure slowly disappearing the poor boy yelled

Mom ! No please don't leave me !


Like for a cookie ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ🍪

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