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I was quiet and feeling bad "hyung it was my carelessness not Heeseung hyung's"
End of pov

Sunghoon pov

Hearing it I felt an unknown feeling stirring in me. 

I'm mature enough to state what I'm feeling and it was pure jealousy I felt .

My jealousy manifests in the way my hands tighten on the steering wheel of the Mercedes, the veins on my snowy white hands becoming more pronounced.

The sleek leather creaks under my grip, a physical manifestation of my inner turmoil.

As I watch Sunoo protest against Heeseung hyung , my jaw clenches and the muscles in my neck are tense visibly.

Despite the luxurious surroundings of the car, the atmosphere inside feels stifling, suffused with an unspoken tension that hangs heavy between them.

With gritted teeth trying to sound as cold as possible to cut off the emotion I was feeling i said ."I know, Sunoo. But next time, I'll take care of you myself."

Soon we arrived back at home . Without wasting any time i gripped the red haired boy hands and walked us towards our room .

Not in the mood to give a damn about the maids and the guards.

I made him sit on the bed and i brought my chair and sat in front of the bed .

Once seated, I reached for my phone, dialing our family doctor's number with a sense of urgency in my tone.

"Come immediately. It's urgent," I demanded, my voice leaving no room for an argument.

Avoiding the younger one's gaze, I felt anger bubbling within me.

It was a familiar sensation, one that simmered just beneath the surface, fueled by frustration and concern.

In that moment, my focus was solely on ensuring his well-being, even if it meant confronting my own tumultuous emotions.

The doctor and her assistant arrived swiftly, assessing Sunoo's bee sting with practiced efficiency.

After a thorough examination, she reassured us that it was nothing serious, just a minor inconvenience.

"There's nothing to worry about," she said calmly, her words bringing a sense of relief.

Turning to me, she instructed, "Keep changing the bandage daily to prevent infection."

Her guidance was straightforward, a simple yet crucial task to ensure Sunoo's speedy recovery.

As they departed she patted Sunoo head who was looking down on his fingers the whole time .

I nodded in acknowledgment, my mind already focused on the responsibility of caring for Sunoo in the days to come.

I leaned down to his level and traced my finger on the newly done bandage.

"It will heal quickly" said the red haired male who was looking everywhere but at me .

I just didn't answer as i don't think his every statement said has to be answered.

And I lied...

I answer him because every word he says captivates me, and I can't ignore anything he says.

His every puppy eyes doesn't has to be given attention to


I am utterly enchanted by his puppy-eyed looks; I can't help but give him my full attention every single time.

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