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Sunoo was now more troubled. Even after the reassurance of the elder was not helping.
The main question was, did he really leave the car?

New morning new start. Sunoo was prepared and sure he will fight. He was wearing a mask and black shirt and jacket.

The next thing was him waiting to act according to the plan. Seeing many cars coming the way. He informed Jake. They are here. The red haired male started walking to the group of crew so he can mix up but stopped and retreated seeing that Park Sunghoon was himself waiting in front of the entrance. Change in plan. Said Sunoo. Without waiting for any response. He made his way to search for a back door at the back of the company. Luckily he did find one back door but it was locked from inside. Fortunately his luck
His luck wasn't so bad today. Many packages were kept on the ground. Without any further

thinking he picked one and walked towards the main entrance.

It was risky but Sunoo was sure he will get inside at any cost. Making his way to the receptionist. May i know who you are? Asked the lady knowing he definitely wasn't an employee.

I have a package to deliver. Sunoo said. But we are not allowed to let someone in like this. Please leave this package at the company package area.

B- but The boss said it's really important for the meeting. Sunoo played his last card.

The hesitation on her face was clear. Having no other option she nodded. 23th floor right side. Sunoo nodded and left for the elevator.

I'm in. Entering the elevator Sunoo said. Be careful. Jake responded back. Sunoo hummed and turned his earpiece off.

The elevator stopped and opened. The younger was caught off guard. He reached fo the button but backed away. Two male entered the elevator. A cold sweat dripped hi face. Park and lee. Sunoo mumbled in a very in audible voice. He reached the end of the elevator and waited patiently.

Which floor? Asked The park secretary. Sunoo flinched but replied. He looked beside and found Sunghoon looking at him. When his eyes met the male cold and sharp eyes. He quickly bowed and diverted his eyes.

After what felt like an hour, floor 17 arrived. The red haired male made hid way outside. He made his way inside the restroom . He entered the stall and Removed his mask. He was scared he indeed was. Something about Sunghoon made him feel weak.

After collecting himself together. He came out and again made his way to the elevator.

Hey if you're going on the upper floor please inform Secretary lee to meet me in my office.
A lady in a revealing red outfit ordered.

Not to look suspicious he nodded

When the lift stopped and the boy stepped out. Her intentions didn't seem right. He muttered

The corridor was empty assuming the time he arrived they were already inside the meeting room.

Now all he had to do was enter inside the office and place the gps tracker in his belongings.

He moved his hands to open the door but hearing the voice coming from inside he backed away.


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