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"Uhmm i see someone is gentle and possessive for his bud" she teased but Sunghoon just walked upstairs after patting her hair once .

Sunoo pov

I snapped out of my daze as a knock interrupted my thoughts, and Niki stood in the doorway.

Confusion etched my features as I gazed at him with fox-like eyes, searching for answers.

Niki licked his lips nervously, his gaze shifting to meet mine.

"Tracy asked me to make sure you get ready," he began, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"Sunghoon hyung's parents are coming at 10 am, and it's already 9 am. You should get ready."

His words jolted me into action, the reality of the impending meeting with Sunghoon's parents snapping me out of my reverie.

With a nod of understanding, I rose from my seat, a sense of determination settling over me as I prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. I made my way towards the washroom.

As I stood under the warm cascade of water, a torrent of questions flooded my mind, each one clamoring for answers.

Why did Niki leave us? What happened during his absence? Why was he now working with Sunghoon, and how did he know him? And most importantly, why was he involved in Jake's kidnapping?

But despite the whirlwind of uncertainty swirling within me, I remained silent, the weight of unspoken queries heavy on my tongue.

With a resigned sigh, I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, the cool air sending a shiver down my spine.

I dressed quickly, opting for a white lacy shirt layered beneath an oversized blue sweater

The comforting fabric offering a sense of protection against the storm brewing inside me.

Running a towel through my damp hair, I braced myself for the encounter awaiting me outside the bathroom door.

As I emerged, the towel still in hand, my eyes met Niki's figure seated on the couch.

The tension in the room was palpable, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air as I struggled to find the courage to confront the ghosts of our shared past.

His presence in my room was unexpected.

I watched in silence as he assisted the maid in drying my hair and applying a light touch-up to my face.

The gentle motions felt foreign, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me.

As the maid adorned me with a necklace and golden bracelet, Niki's words pulled me back to the present.

His reminder to join Sunghoon downstairs hung in the air, but I couldn't let him leave without addressing the questions that had been haunting me.

"Niki," I called out, my voice barely above a whisper, betraying the frustration and confusion simmering beneath the surface.

"Why... why are you working with Sunghoon? Why Tracy?"

The words spilled out in a rush, each one laden with the weight of unspoken grievances and unresolved tensions.

"Sunghoon hyung held me when I needed someone," Niki finally replied, his voice tinged with emotion.

The simplicity of his explanation belied the underlying complexity of his relationship with Sunghoon, leaving me with more questions than answers.

I nodded silently, the gravity of Niki's words sinking in as I grappled with the implications of his choice.

Despite my lingering doubts and frustrations, I couldn't deny the undeniable bond that existed between them.

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