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What the hell ! He whispered shouted . Removing his glasses and checking again just to make sure he isn't dreaming.

The k-news article which was blowing up. 
Wh-what is Riki doing h-here . Sunoo lips were trembling.


Yang jungwon held a party after the opening ceremony and invited many business partners

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Yang jungwon held a party after the opening ceremony and invited many business partners . His boyfriend Park Jay was also here . Many more important guests including Park Sunghoon secretary and left hand were also there and a very exclusive picture we got our hands on
Very stunning looking Guys , not only girls and boys but the media is drooling and waiting for more updates and meet up
Wonder why Park Sunghoon didn't attend the event though he was there at the opening ceremony
Fans are guessing that it's because he doesn't have good relations with his cousin but many fans are protecting him by saying people are just overthinking things again and he didn't attend the event maybe because he was tired or had other matters to look at

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It didn't matter where Sunghoon was but what raised a concern was Riki .
Sunoo was worried about Riki . He wanted to know why Riki got himself associated with such rich people and how .

He rushed out of his room and entered Jake's room without even knocking .

"LOOK AT THIS! " they both exclaimed at the same time .

"You go first"  both said in sync . "Ugh geez what is it sunoo?" Jake asked . "You tell what's it hyung" this is what Sunoo would have said but not this time .

"Hyung look at this" he raised his phone in front of Jake "it's your phone isn't it?" Sunoo cursed himself and turned his phone around. The elder eyes widen in shock .

"Wha-wh is that really Riki ?" Sunoo nodded "do you know anything about this" the red haired male shook his head .

"Are you in contact with him?" Sunoo shook his head . 


"Riki are you really leaving?" Helpless sunoo asked .
The boy who was packing his stuff didn't stop or bother to answer .

"Jake hyung please say something to him" the poor boy begged his hyung .
After not receiving any answer from Jake , sunoo eyes started watering.

He grabbed Riki's wrist to stop him from packing and made him face him .

"Don't leave us alone Riki please" said Sunoo as the tears fell from his eyes .
Sunoo let me go please , it's for my better" Riki told the boy in front .

"Why ! You said you'll be with us forever?" Sunoo continues "don't break your promise Riki please stay" he whispered because no words were coming out properly due to crying .

"I can't just stay here and work as a stalker, i can't. I hate to sell pieces and information about their private life"  Riki explained .

"There's no going back now. I'm leaving and starting a new and better life with humanity"

"If you leave i-i-I'll never forgive you" said Sunoo
He put his luggage down on the floor , dragging his luggage , he left the room .
Sunoo was shaking Jake , begging him to stop Riki . Though they were friends for a short period of time, the bond they shared was strong .

Jake just stood silent with tears in his eyes . As Riki left the apartment Sunoo fell on his knee crying badly .
The latter kneeled and hugged him .

End of flashback.....

As time passed . Sunoo eventually agreed that Riki left for better and won't lead a life like this . As for him he forgave the boy a long time ago .

After forgiving and moving on , the red haired male tried reaching Riki but always failed . His
number was no longer in service .

"So what did you want to say" Sunoo asked Jake who nodded before continuing.
"I'm successful in hacking their camera" Jake announced leaving a red  haired male in complete shock .
"You what" exclaimed Sunoo .
"I kept trying and was about to give up but it's got connected" said Jake .
The red haired male was one 9th cloud . Jumping and smiling .

I'm back with another chapter 🫧 please vote engenes 💜💜💜 . It's motivates me to write....

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