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Now all he had to do was enter inside the office and place the gps tracker in his belongings. 

He moved his hands to open the door but hearing the voice coming from inside he backed away

Sunoo pov

They are not inside the meeting room? But wasn't it supposed to be a meeting? I decided to check the meeting haul according to Jake Hyung's research it's on the same floor .

And i was right the haul was empty. So all the crew were just decoys to make it look like an actual meeting.

End of pov

He rushed back to the main office and started eavesdropping.

You must come hyung, my father and jay hyung want you two to attend this ceremony after all it's the second yang's hospital opening ceremony here in Seoul (Chuckle)
sure. Heeseung hyung cancel everything for tomorrow. ( Sunghoon)
Guess I'll take my leave then. (laugh)

Sunoo eyes widen, he rushed towards the wall. Peeking from the wall . Watching them leave . Taking this chance he pulled out his camera which he brought with him just incase
"shutter" "shutter* *shutter*

 Taking this chance he pulled out his camera which he brought with him just incase "shutter" "shutter* *shutter*

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I should leave now

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I should leave now. He told himself After keeping the camera inside his bag and started rushing out but instead of leaving he turned towards the main office. He still had to place the tracker.

As he opened the door slightly enough to peep in he saw that two guard's were inside.

What do you think you are doing? A voice came from behind.

Thats it he knew this voice. Is it really over? The red hair male was panicking but couldn't show.

Sunoo gulped and turned around only to be met with a pair of suspicious eyes and a pair of fierce ones .

I'm asking what are you doing here? Heeseung repeated himself.

So this is how it was supposed to end sunoo thought. Sweat forming on his forehead thanks to his bangs it wasn't visible.

I-i- Sunoo was cut off by a high pitch voice. The clicking noise became louder and clear as the lady was Approaching.

You can't do anything-oh ! Haha i sent him here to pass my message to you Mr lee. The lady said rather elegantly.

Sunoo let out a sigh of relief. He was saved.

As both were busy talking. Sunoo can feel eyes on him. He looked up from the ground only to find Sunghoon staring at him.

As their eyes met an unknown fear rushed inside the younger body.

I should leave now. said Sunoo, Have a night day, then he passed by Sunghoon and soon entered the elevator.

The black hair boy spared one last glance before entering his office. Heeseung also shooed the clingy lady away from him.

Sunoo pov
That was clean, thanks god. A smile rose up my face. 
Shoot ! Damn . I know , i will get nagged now . I forgot to turn on my ear piece. 
Turning on my ear piece . All done hyung. I informed
Are you stupid. Why didn't you answer! My heart almost stopped beating! Jake hyung shouted.

Ouch my ear gonna go deaf, hyung. I chuckled I'm sorry, there were many obstacles but the work is  done. Also i got photos of Yang family son.

Good to hear, now get back here.
I hummed and turned off the ear piece.

I exited the office building all happy that finally something was done how it was supposed to be done
End of pov

Sunoo took a taxi back to their apartment,Where he was greeted by his cousin sister, Tracy.

What are you doing here Tracy? Sunoo never really liked her.


I'm back guys~~ Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I don't know how it's going. 
Like for a cookie ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ🍪

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