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After spending my day with mom it was almost 9pm i exited the hospital and took a taxi back home though I left my actual home behind.

In Park corporation

"Tracy my mom called me for the 4th time today telling me to update on my status I hate her for this jeez!"  Sunghoon winced slightly.

"Let's skip directly to the main part , i don't think we got any more time left to play around" Tracy said

"The heck you are talking about?" Heeseung interrupted.

"i know Sunoo . He is stubborn but the key to making him agree is his friend Jake"  Tracy said

"Now who is Jake?" Jo asked . Tracy looked at Niki.

"After his mother Julia , Jake is all he has . He is Sunoo's closest friend whom he loves"

Sunghoon felt slightly weird at the word "love Jake" but he looked at Tracy to continue...

"Don't tell me you're think what I'm thinking??!" Niki almost yelled.

"I'm sorry Niki , I respect you so much bro but you have no say in this" Tracy glared at Niki .

"no way!,  you're not letting her do that Sunghoon hyung are you ?" He looked at Sunghoon with disbelief in his eyes. 

"Tracy you're sure it will work?" He stared at her . There was nothing more than seriousness in his eyes .

The lady nodded her head and gulped . Silence fell over in the office. 

"I'm putting my trust in you Tracy" was the last word Sunghoon said before leaving the office with Heeseung following behind him .

While in the office Niki was arguing with Tracy .
"I'm telling you Tracy what you are doing is not right!" Niki yelled .

"I told you earlier you have no say in this" Tracy said trying not to pay any attention to him

"Fine do what you want but don't count me in" Niki said and walked passed by her , as he left there was only Jo and Tracy left in the room .

"What?" Tracy said angrily glaring at Jo . "Well don't burst out on me girl" Jo said but received a slap on his neck .

"Only Harua can handle you" She said shaking her head in disappointment.

"Not just him but my parents and Sunghoon hyung aswel- "Blah blah blah" Tracy cut off jo and left the office.

"Is she mad or what" Jo mumbled to himself.

Time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

With a smirk the lady was writing the letter , She sealed it and gave it to her man .

"Mail it to Sunoo" She said before focusing on her work. As the man nodded and left . Jo and Niki entered the room .

"If you are here to change my mind then go away because i ain't going back"

"I'm not here for that Tracy" Hearing Niki say she rolled her eyes . "Keep rolling them and one day you'll see your brain" Jo said taking a seat on the couch.
"The fuck"  -Tracy

"What's your plan ? You are not picking Sunghoon hyung calls so he sent us here" Niki said looking at her eyes to eyes .

"Bro chill my phone is on mute , my bad" Tracy said.

She explained the plan to them though Niki wasn't happy but he didn't say a word .


Sunoo pov

I was sitting on my chair going through Social media.. when Jake hyung came in .
I looked up at him.

"What's it Jake hyung?" I asked out of confusion
"Another Letter, seriously whose that?" He said showing the sealed letter in his hands .

"I don't know" i shrugged my shoulder , taking the letter in my hand and opening it.

You wanna know who I'm right? Well you'll know soon enough but for now Sunghoon is going to a private event held by himself and the fun
Jay will be there... Wonder what they'll discuss. I sure know you won't let this epic chance slip away.
All the details of the event will be shared on sms..... And make sure to arrive in your own automobile.

Reading out aloud i looked at Hyung... "But I can't drive?" I said.
He was in confusion but soon said "I'll drop you there"


So, what do you think the plan is?  乁⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ㄏ..
Also please vote engenes 💜💜💜. And how your New year starts going? Any resolution?...drop them in the comments section..

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