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"Hy-ung it hurt so m-uch" he said bringing his knees and hugging it .
( it's still Jake pov)

"I re-realised i have a change a l-ot , i don't want to be mature. I-i-I'll never be that me again"

I hugged him and started caressing his hair "let it hurt until it doesn't hurt you anymore" i whispered in his ears . I guess i shouldn't have said it .

Time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

My eyes flicker open as I adjust my face to the sunlight. I found myself sleeping beside Sunoo . The tear stains on his cheeks .

Ever since I have met him I have always seen him as my little brother but I don't like when he goes through things all by himself.

A yawn left my mouth . I got up and stretched my arms . "Gosh" Wonder when i fell asleep.

I gave Sunoo another glance before leaving his room but not without glancing at his wall where many Sunghoon pictures were taped and pinned. 

End of Jake pov

After taking a shower Sunoo went for groceries, before entering the lift to get to his floor he decided to check his mail box .

Taking the newspapers , bills , offers and sale pamphlets and letters . He went upstairs.

Putting everything aside he peeled off the letter seal

Too bad you didn't trust me, your loss. Today at 12pm . Park Sunghoon is coming back to Korea. it's a waste of time to leave now  because by the time you reach he would have arrived and left the airport .
  He received an invitation for the upcoming party invitation of   The venue time is 7pm . He'll arrive right at 8pm. Make sure to pay a visit . :)  - yours , unknown helper , Seoul .

What if he doesn't come ? Jake said who was peeking from behind and reading the letter .

"What if he does?"  Sunoo continued "Search and see if Tiffany & Cosmopolitan is holding a party tonight"
Sunoo stated before leaving the room .

Time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Waiting all tired mentally Sunoo rubbed his palms together when it got a bit warm he touched his eyes and cheeks .

With a huge sigh leaving his mouth , he took a hold of his camera. All ready to capture all the moments until he bumps into someone

"Hello! My name is Jo !" A boy around Sunoo said .

"I know it's awkward" he continued after seeing Sunoo's confused face .

"I heard that there's time left before Sunghoon arrives so i thought to mix up and chat with others but everyone here is a bit cold only you seem warm so I approached you"

Jo continued "I know it's sudden but I get anxious around new people"  understanding his problems Sunoo talked back .

It's only been 3 or 4 minutes Sunoo and Jo were talking all friendly......

"There comes park Sunghoon, Ain't he is good looking 

Jo said almost fan boying over the cold male .  As the crowd went crazy over Sunghoon and all the cameras started shuttering.

Sunoo pulled his camera near his face and *shutter* *shutter* *shutter* ×6

Sunoo pulled his camera near his face and *shutter* *shutter* *shutter* ×6

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"He...........sure is very handsome.."  Sunoo whispered checking the beauty and perfection his camera has captured.

Engenes please vote 💜💜💜 . Also happy belated birthday to Sunghoon and Niki 💌✨
Stay safe and healthy guys <3

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