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With a satisfied smile playing on his lips, Sunghoon withdrew, leaving Sunoo's lower lip slightly swollen from the tender encounter.

It was a silent declaration of his affection, a secret shared between them in the quiet of the night.

Sunoo's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight hit his face. He squinted against the bright rays before opening his eyes slightly.

His gaze scanned the empty bed beside him. Sunghoon wasn't there.

At first, Sunoo thought he might have gone to the office, but then he remembered that Sunghoon was on leave since they were newly married.

He got up and walked into the washroom, feeling the sudden emptiness of the large room.

The silence was almost overwhelming, amplifying his sense of loneliness.

As he approached the sink, he leaned forward and gazed at his reflection in the mirror.

His eyes lingered on the bandage on his neck, noticing how it had begun to peel at the edges.

The skin beneath itched uncomfortably, a reminder that it needed to be replaced soon.

He rubbed his neck over the bandage before carefully peeling it off. A square imprint was left on his skin, marking where the bandage had been.

He stepped into the shower, and soon the warm water droplets cascaded over him, drenching his hair and body.

His hair fell limply, sticking to his forehead as the water flowed down his face.

The soothing sensation of the water did little to distract him; his thoughts were consumed by Sunghoon, and the lingering sense of his absence.

The flashback of last night's conversation played vividly in my mind, each word echoing with a mix of uncertainty and exhilaration.

["Are you perhaps... jealous?" I had asked, my voice wavering slightly with nerves.

My mind raced as I confessed, "Damn straight, I'm jealous. I'm so possessive of you, it drives me crazy."]

I hid my face in my palm, feeling the warmth creeping into my cheeks despite the cold water cascading over my body.

The memory evoked a swirl of emotions within me.

I let out a deep sigh, disbelief washing over me as I replayed the scene in my mind.

Part of me reveled in the thrill of admitting my feelings, a blush spreading across my face, while another part remained cautious, wondering if I dared to hope for more.

After the fresh shower I walked downstairs all dressed up .

But my smiled dropped as i didn't see you anywhere.

Tracy and Jo approached me with a grin on their faces which was telling me something wasn't right .

"Brother let's go to shopping" Tracy said with mischief looking at Jo for a nod . So did he .

I was hesitant in my answer at this point I just wanted to have a glimpse of Sunghoon hyung .

"No thanks I'll pass this time" i said walking towards the kitchen counter but Tracy and Jo again stepped in front of me .

Jo held my hands saying "please you can't say no" i can see the eagerness in his eyes .

I again wanted to refuse but something in his eyes made me agree eventually .

I sigh in defeated nodding . They both have eachother a high-five making me frown even more .

"Have you seen Sunghoon hyung?" I asked Tracy with curiosity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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