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Sunoo pov

I was continuously staring at my laptop screen. It was almost midnight. Did they make any move yet? A voice came from behind grabbing my attention I shook my head.

He really does live a decent life , what's there to stalk about him.  I exclaimed
Oh, i see. So what's the plan?

I turned the chair and faced Jake hyung. His eyes were just as hopeless as mine.

We'll just stick with the earlier plan. Oh as much as i wish Niki was here. I exclaimed Yeah he really did play an important role both in our working and physical life. Said jake

Hyung visit my mom for me tomorrow.
What about you?
I have to give them a few updates on the project. I can't lose this mission as well.

Sure, don't overwork yourself good night. Jake patted Younger back before walking out of the room

Sunoo sighed. His mind was a mess. He always feared the work he did but in this case his fear was indeed higher. He didn't get the right vibe from this sunghoon guy.

Running his hand through his hair. He looked at the schedule file on his desk. Just the same schedule as today. Office till 1 pm and lunch break and meeting and home at 4pm

Again the male looked at his computer. Looking at the pictures he took today.

The other male was indeed handsome. He felt spark but it didn't last more than a few seconds.

He turned everything off and went to bed

Sunoo was sitting inside the cafe Which was just in front of the park building , waiting for his chance. The moment Sunghoon and his secretary Lee was existing the office building.

He took his camera and made his way out .
Bringing his camera near his face . The thing he was most scared happen. The fear started to crept inside .

STALKER TO SPOUSE  (Sunsun)Where stories live. Discover now