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How is she ? Jake asked moving his chair away from his desk .
Sunoo shook his head . No progress. He mumbled sadly. 

Jake stood up and tapped his shoulder .
Everything will be okay.  He said ' let me cook something for you ' sunoo nodded and followed him behind .

Sunoo sat down on the chair  watching Jake cook,  he asked .

Did you manage to hack their cameras ? Jake's head hung low .  The red haired male sighed and stretched his arms .

I kinda knew it was not possible. Sunoo said and smiled so that Jake won't feel disappointed after all they were  each other's  support .

Let's grab some ice cream later . Sunoo
suggested.  Jake nodded and chuckled at the younger cuteness.

Jake smiled at the boy sitting in front of him . Even after being broken he is always ready to Console others .

You should stop consoling others when you are not fine . That's what Jake always told him

But for Sunoo he never listened as he has always been healing others wounds when his own kept bleeding.

He believed that if he could save someone and help someone , he would go to every extreme to do it .

He doesn't want others to be broken like him just because they have no one to Console them.
He won't let what happened to him , happen to others.

Today finally Sunoo took a day off . As for the agency they didn't want to give him but after Sunoo requested they let him have one .

The main reason for Sunoo to take a day off was that his mental health was getting bad. 

Lots of things were happening to him at once .
First his mother then the arrival of Tracy and Sunghoon case .

He wanted to just sleep and rest today and exactly that's what he did today  .

Time skip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

After sunoo woke up , he was going through some files just to be sure what the next things he would have to do. 

His phone buzzed grabbing his attention.
Accept | decline

He went through his call history only to see many
missed calls from his one and only annoying cousin

Tracy missed call (6)

He rubbed his temples and started working on his laptop.

What the hell ! He whispered shouted . Removing his glasses and checking again just to make sure he isn't dreaming.

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I know I haven't updated in so long , i was very busy in my daily life but now I'm back with  another chapter hope you enjoyed it . I hope this story is going fine and you all are enjoying it ... Take care ,  stay safe and healthy✨☘️

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