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Good night," I whispered into the darkness, my voice barely above a murmur, before succumbing to the embrace of sleep.
My thoughts filled with the image of Sunoo's serene face.

Sunghoon pov

I was sitting on the kitchen island counter table sipping my tea and Tracy was eating my ears with her stupid question "how was your first night?" She asked but i ignored her again .

"Come on don't be shy" she said again . This time i looked up at her "it was good , we really enjoyed our night together"

I leaned closer to her "It would have been more fun if we weren't tired"

Her face scrunched in disgust ,as I continued "do you wanna know more?"

Seeing her pull away quickly with her face full of disgust "you really have no shame do you?"

"No i don't but so do you" i said and backed away and took another sip of my tea.

She rolled her eyes and walked towards my mom and started to help her.

My eyes scan the room and stopped seeing Heeseung hyung trying to get Jake attention.  Ever since Jake have been under our eyes .

Heeseung hyung was to take care of him properly and now I think he has gotten a bit more frank with Jake .

I shook my head and looked down on my files but  half a minute later Tracy squealed loudly grabbing other attention .

I looked up and saw Sunoo walking downstairs, my eyes scanned more as he descended the stairs, his sleepy demeanor and tousled red hair lent him an endearing charm.

With his eyes still half-closed, he rubbed them gently, a gesture that only added to his adorableness.

In his night suit, the soft glow of the staircase lights illuminated his milky skin, the fabric clinging to his form in all the right places.

His shorts revealed glimpses of his slender legs, while his cute flip-flops completed the ensemble, adding to his overall charm.

Despite his disheveled appearance, there was an undeniable allure about Sunoo as he made his way down the stairs, his sleepy aura drawing me in with its irresistible magnetism.

In that moment, I couldn't help but marvel at just how effortlessly captivating he truly was.

Sunoo's gaze met mine, a moment of connection passed between us, holding a depth that seemed to transcend the confines of our surroundings.

For a brief moment, our eyes lingered, each locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

Amusement flickered in the air as our eye contact stretched longer than before, a silent acknowledgment passing between us.

But as the sound of my mother's voice calling his name broke the spell, Sunoo quickly averted his gaze, his attention shifting to her.

With a faint smile, I turned my focus back to my files, the fleeting moment of connection lingering in the air like a gentle breeze, leaving behind a sense of warmth and familiarity.

End of pov .


Sunoo pov

As soon as I stepped in the main hall the first person I notice was Sunghoon hyung . But soon I heard my name being called .

I looked at that direction and realise that it was mom . I walked towards her quickly.

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