Chapter 1 Part 3: Rumours.

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My 6:30am alarm scares me. I roll over hitting my phone until it turns off. I drag myself out of bed and pull my school uniform out of my wardrobe. I pull my polo shirt over my bump sighing as I look at myself in the mirror. I feel like its hugging to my stomach. I put on my skirt and sit down at my dressing table. I put my hair up in a messy bun and add my normal makeup. Once I'm ready I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I'm finished I go downstairs.

I grab myself the pack of ready-made pancakes and start to eat them. As I'm putting my books into my bag there's a knock at the door. I open it to see Perri.

"I've come to take you to school. I thought you might want some support."

"Thankyou!" I say hugging him.

I grab my school bag and phone and follow Perri to his car.

"You don't have to answer anyone." He says as we approach the school gates.

"Don't worry, I won't!" I laugh.

"I will meet you here after school."

"Okay." I say kissing him quickly.

I take a deep breath and get out the car. I walk towards the gate and meet Sadie.

"You okay?" She asks linking arms with me.

"As best as I can be." I say.

Some people stare at me then look away.

"Is it really that noticeable?" I whisper to Sadie as we head into form.

"No it's not. Don't worry."

It gets to lunchtime and their are rumours going around already. I sit down with Sade at our normal table when the bitchy group in my year come over to me.

"Here we go." I say bluntly.

"Cassidy..." They main girl says in a high voice.

"What?" I say back mimicking her.

"Is there something you should be telling us?" She says crossing her arms.

"Not that I know of." I say turning back around.

"Well, just to let you know. Some people are saying that you are pregnant..."

The group of people behind her snigger.

"Well, they're wrong." I say standing up.

Me and Sade leave the lunch hall and sit at the top of the field. We are enjoying ourselves, when someone stands in front of me. I roll my eyes and look up. I go cold. Frozen.

"Well hello again!" He says.

"Leave me alone. You know what happened last time."

"This time will be different." He says sitting next to me.

I stand up to leave but he pulls me back down.

"Billy! Leave her alone!" Sadie shouts.

"So you and Perri are together?"

"Yeah." I say getting up again.

But he pulls me back down. I'm more worried about the safety of my baby then me.

"I said to you at Butlins that if you dated another lad there would be consequences..." He smirks.

"You wouldn't!" I say through gritted teeth.

He slaps me across the face, his studded ring catching my cheek.

I scream and hold my face, but the bell is ringing so no one hears me.

"Billy!" Sadie screams. "Leave her alone!"

"Will do." He says laughing then getting up and walking off.

I'm too shocked to cry.

"Tell our teacher that I've gone home because I'm ill."

"Where are you going?!" Sade calls after me as I storm off.

"I will tell you later! Just tell the teacher I was ill."

I sneak out of the gates without being seen. I try to run but I get too worn out- so I hurry over to Dancework. I rush though the doors and into the rehearsal that Diversity were doing.

"Perri..." I say.

"Omg! What happened?" Pel says running over to me.

The other boys stop dancing. I touch my face and look at my hand. Blood.

"It... It was... Billy." I say trying to catch my breath.

"WHAT?!" Ashley and Perri say together.


"He came and sat next to me at lunch. I tried to get away, but he pulled me down twice. Then he asked if I was dating you. So I said yeah..." She says panting. "He said there would be consequences for dating someone else. So he slapped me, and his ring must of caught my cheek..."

I pull her into a hug.

"Wait till I see him!" I say though gritted teeth.

"Did he do anything to your baby?" Ashley asks.

"No. I was protecting it, that's how he got my face." She says holding her stomach. "Jord, what are you doing?"

"Calling the police."

The police arrive and take a statement from Cassidy.

She stays with us at the studio and Dani cleans her face for her.


I text Sadie telling her where I am, saying that I'm safe. Suddenly I feel nauseous, I get up and run into the toilets throwing up in the nearest one.

"It's okay." I hear Dani say rubbing my back.

I wash out my mouth and head back into the studio.

"You okay?" Perri asks hugging me.

"Yeah, just being pregnant." I joke.

I lie down on the mats in the corner of the room. I must of fallen asleep because I wake up back in my own bed. I grab my phone checking the time: 12:20am. Great. I compose a tweet:

@CassidyBaxter: Hate not being able to sleep. >:( xx

I get a notification from Perri.

@Realperrikiely: Awe babe, hope you fall asleep soon. ;) xx @CassidyBaxter

I retweet it then lock my phone, rolling over and closing my eyes.

Plus One. ~ Sequel to 'Love Unlocked.'Where stories live. Discover now