Chapter 2 Part 2: 32 Weeks.

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I wake up at 8:30am. Perri's already up getting ready.

"Hey babe. I'm going in a minute. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm okay."

"What you going to do today?" He asks pulling on his top.

"Unpack some clothes and that's it." I say sitting up.

"Pop down the studio later, I'll ask Ash what times best. I'll text you."

"Okay cool."

I get up and head into the kitchen, I'm really hungry. I make myself 5 pieces of toast.

"Someone's hungry!" Pel says laughing.

"I am feeding two here!" I say pointing to my tummy.

"Only joking!" He says kissing me. "I'll text you when to come over. Are you okay walking there?"

"Yeah, the fresh air will be good."

"Okay, text me if you need anything."

"Sure! Bye."

Perri closes the door and leaves. I finish my toast and make myself a cup of tea. I pour it into my Starbucks mug and head back into our room. I place my cup down on my dressing table and begin to choose my outfit. I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I've given up looking presentable now as it's too much hassle. I pull on my to-the-knee joggers with 'Dance' down the side plus a black and white stripy jumper. I sit down at my dressing table and do my makeup, I add more than just concealer and mascara because people at the studio will see me. I brush my hair and straighten it, pulling on my black beanie.

I take a sip of my drink then sit down on the floor by the boxes. I unpack some of my clothes and hanging them up in the wardrobe. Once I've done my clothes I drag the other 2 boxes into Ava's room and fold her clothes up, putting them in her chest of drawers. I collect my drink and go and sit on the sofa. My phone vibrates. It's Perri.

'Hey babe, Ash said you can come down whenever x'

'Okay, will be over soon x'

I finish my drink, struggle to put my uggs on, grab my phone and head out the door. I stop of at the shop and buy myself an Iced Tea with the change in my pocket. I arrive at the studio abit out of breath.

"Hey Cassidy?" Dani says hugging me. "Not long now!"

"I know! I get more nervous and excited every day!"

"Aw I know, I was like that. You can on through, people have been asking if you were coming."

"Oh okay cool, seeya!"

I head on into the workshop, Perri is teaching the little ones a routine.

"Hey Cass!" Jord says coming over and hugging me.

"How's it going?" I ask nodding towards the workshop.

"It's going good!"

"Well done guys! Ike your up!" Pel says turning off the music. "Hey babe." He says kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey. That walk is so much longer when your pregnant!"

Some of the girls whisper 'Awe that's so cute, I want to look that good when I'm having a baby.'

"Cassidy!" One girl says running over to me.

"Hello! You enjoying the workshop?"

"Yes thankyou! Can I have a photo?"

"Photos are at the end!" Pel says smiling.

"Okay!" The girl says running back over to her friends.

"You look good anyway." Pel says turning back to me.

"You really think so?" I say laughing. "I can't even try to fit into my normal clothes now!"

"I know so! And you look good in anything." He says kissing my cheek.

"Pel your needed." I say pointing over to Ashley.

"See you in a minute." He says running over to his position.

I walk over and sit on the floor next to some over the girls. They're so sweet.

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