Chapter 4 Part 3: Lover's Dance.

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(^Song and outfit^)


I wake up in cold sweats. What happened yesterday was a very bad reminder of last year.

"Babe, you okay?" Perri asks sitting up, putting on his glasses.

"Yeah." I say pushing the hair from my face. "Just a bad dream."

Perri leans over and hugs me kissing my forehead. I smile then lean over to check the time on my phone. 8am. I push back the covers and get out of bed. I straighten my shorts and head into Ava's room. I push open the door slowly. Her little face is peeping over the cot with a grin.

"Good Morning!" I say lifting her out and taking her into the kitchen.

I sit her in the baby chair and make her a bowl of baby food. Two hands wrap around my waist. I place the bowl of baby food and spoon down and turn around. Perri is smiling at me, I smile back. He leans in and kisses me softly.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper back.

Ava starts to cry, pulling me and Perri out of our moment. I roll my eyes and turn to face her. I grab the spoon and begin to feed her.

Once I've fed Ava I bath her then change her into a vest top and shorts as its hot outside. I push on some little sandals then place her on the floor to play. I lock the safety gate and head into mine and Pel's room.

"Are we going to the studio?" I ask as Pel pulls on some grey joggers.

"Yeah. Ashley has left us a note on what he wants us to do." He says heading into the bathroom.

After what happened yesterday with Mitch, Ashley has told the boys to have a break. However Ash has set tasks for different people at different times so they can still get work done for their next mini tour.

I head over to the wardrobe and pick out my cropped black joggers with 'Dance' written down the side, a black crop top and my converse. I feed my clear diamond belly bar through my belly button then head over to my dressing table. I add concealer, mascara and lipgloss before tying my hair up into a high ponytail. I add a light pink bow to add some colour. 

"You ready?" Perri asks holding Ava.

"Yeah, let me just get my phone." I say heading into the kitchen.

I grab my phone and Ava's bag then meet Pel at the car.

We arrive at Dancework in 15 minutes. Dani wasn't at the desk so we head straight though into studio 1. On the speaker there's a note from Ashley.

'Hey Pel and Cass. I would like you to create a duet between the two of you showing your journey. I have left the song on the mp3. I might pop in later to see how you've got on. Ash ;)'

"So lets see what song he's left." I say placing Ava in the portable play pen and unlocking the mp3 player.

The song '6 words' by Wretch 32 starts to play.

"I like this song!" Pel says.

We stretch out then begin to create our duet. We start off back to back then push off each other. Pel then lifts me into the air, slowly bringing me down. When it gets to the chorus we break into a slow street part that looks really good.

"I love this dance." I say as we grab a drink and check on Ava.

"It's really romantic." Pel says winking.

We carry on working. The end finishes by Pel backflipping and me doing a forward roll in the opposite direction. Pel then turns and lifts me towards the back, I latch me legs around his waist from behind and my arms around his neck (Like a piggy back) I look down at the floor over his shoulder and he looks up.

"Wooh!" I shout jumping off his back.

"That was amazing!" He says hugging me.

We take a quick break as Ashley, Jordan and Francesca walk in.

"Hey you two, on a break!" Ash says winking.

"I need it!" I say hugging Francesca.

"Let's see what you got then!" Ashley says as they sit on the floor in front of the mirrors.

Me and Pel perform with every last bit of energy that we have. We nail every lift and turn that's in the dance.

"WOW!" They say standing up clapping. "That's better then I expected!" Ashley says.

"Thanks." Pel says.

"That's deffo going in the tour!" Jordan says.

"Aw, that was so adorable." Francesca says hugging me.

After we've chatted for abit me and Pel grab our things and head home. We stop off at McDonalds for food- as we are both starving.

"I can't wait to perform that dance!" I say as I grab our food.

"I know!" Pel says taking his bag off the tray. "I wonder what type of costume you will have."

"I hadn't even thought about that!" I say passing Ava a chip.

We get back home at about 7pm. I have a shower then me and Pel watch films until we fall asleep on the sofa together.

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