Chapter 4 Part 2: Baby Steps.

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Ava begins screaming at the top of her lungs at 7am this morning. Me and Pel jump out of bed and rush into her room. She's stood up with tears running down her face.

"Ava, whats wrong?" Pel says picking her up and hugging her.

I check her crib and the whole of her room. Nothing.

"Maybe she had a bad dream." I say as she begins to calm down.

"Probably." Pel says kissing Ava on the forehead. 

He places her on the floor and she crawls over to her toys. I leave her door open so that we can watch her, but I close the safety gate so she can't leave her room.

"Are you coming down the studio today?" Pel says filling the kettle with water.

"Yeah, I might come down for a bit. I'm meeting Sade later."

"Okay. If you want I could ask my mum if she will take Ava this afternoon, so that your and Sade can get everything sorted."

"Aw, yeah thanks. That would be a big help." I say hugging him.

I lean over the safety gate to check on Ava, shes stood up leaning against the open toy box.

"My mum said yes!" Perri calls as I head into our room.

"Okay, thanks." I call back.

I head over to the wardrobe and pick out some loose dance joggers, a burgundy crop top and a pair of grey converse. I brush my hair leaving it natural and pull on a black beanie with 'Vogue' on the front. I add some concealer and mascara then head into Ava's room.

"Lets get you ready then!" I say tickling her.

I let her play for a bit longer while I pick out her outfit. I change Ava into a black baby grow and a light pink tutu. I grab her tiny vans putting them on with difficulty as she keeps kicking her legs around.

"Don't you look cute!" I say carrying her into the kitchen. 

I put her in the baby chair and make her a bottle. I feed her as Perri gets ready. I lean over and grab my phone off the table. I scroll through my twitter feed and stop on a picture of my sister Alex. It's a picture of her with a ballet dress on. The caption reads: 'my most beautiful daughter at her first dance show! She's such a amazing dancer.'

I stare at the screen. My mum puts that up for Alex. She never did that for me. I know that I said that I didn't want nothing to do with them, but it does hurt that they've not tried to make it up with me.

"What's that?" Perri says making me jump.

"Oh nothing." I say locking my phone.

"You sure? I've put your drink in the on- the- go Starbucks mug. I'm ready so we can go soon."

"Okay, thankyou." I say placing Ava's empty bottle in the dishwasher.

Perri takes Ava to the car and fastens her in her carrier. I grab her bag, my phone, my drink and lock the door behind me. We arrive at the studio within 10 minutes as there is no traffic on the road.

"Look's like your ready to start dancing!" Dani says picking up Ava.

"I know!" I say checking notifications on my phone.

Dani hands Ava back and I hold both her hands as she puts one foot in front of the other wobbling into studio 1.

"Look at this little walker!" Ashley says smiling.

"I know, she's coming along fast." Pel says.

Ashley sits on the floor and opens his arms.

"C'mon on then Ava, show me!" He says clapping her over to him.

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