Chapter 2

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My eyes slowly met hers and there was a fire in them. She had left me speechless...and she definitely wasn't wrong. I had no idea why I had such a strong attraction to her, but there was no doubt that I did.

Jamie let go of my wrist, keeping her eyes locked on mine. She put her hand on the back of my neck, pulling me in closer.

Our lips were only inches apart when she whispered, "stop me if you don't want this as much as I do."

I opened my mouth to say something, anything that would stop her, but the words wouldn't come. I didn't want her stop.

Her lips were almost brushing against mine when she said, "I need to hear you say it Cas, do you want me to stop?"

"No." The words barely escaped my mouth before her lips pressed against mine and shot a spark through my body. I had never felt anything like it before. So gentle but so full of passion and want.

Her hand slid it's way up the back of my neck as the kiss deepened. I felt her tongue slide along my bottom lip, and then I quickly pulled back.

"Jamie we're in a public restroom, and I...I have a boyfriend and have no idea what I'm doing."

I looked down at the floor, taking a step back.

"Well," she started, "I can't help you with the boyfriend problem but there is a stall with a door and a lock right here."

I looked up to meet her gaze again and found those piercing eyes and that devilish smirk looking back. She slowly reached down and grabbed my hand, pulling me in to the nearest stall and locking the door behind us.

Jamie pressed my back against the cold wall in the crowded stall. Her lips came crashing back to mine as she leaned into me. Her tongue explored my mouth and a quiet moan escaped from my lips.

She pulled back slightly, tugging at my bottom lip with her teeth. "Enjoying ourselves are we?" She whispered into my ear. I crooked my head to the side, exposing my bare skin. Her tongue slowly trailed down my neck and to my collarbone, sucking at all of the right spots.

Jamie slid her hands under the bottom of my shirt, starting to pull up on it. "Hold on," I breathlessly said, grabbing her hands. "I'm not sure I want to do this," I continued.

She continued to kiss along my neck, stopping just long enough to say, "I think you do."

Fuck, she was right. I did want this, so badly.

She took my silence as her cue to keep going, and I let her pull my shirt off over my head. I gulped nervously as I watched her fingertips trace along the edge of my bra.

"Let me see those perfect looking tits of yours," Jamie said into my mouth before continuing to kiss me.

I reached back and hesitantly undid my bra, letting it slide down to reveal my hard nipples. Jamie took a step back, taking my bra from me and hanging it on the door with my shirt as she took in the sight in front of her.

"Fuck you are hot Cas," she said, moving back in closer to me. Her fingers made their way up to my breasts, circling around my nipples. I leaned my head back against the wall, drawing in a sharp breath as I felt the need building up inside of me.

"Do you want those hard nipples in my mouth?" Jamie said as she started to flick them with her fingertips. I put my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss, finally completely giving into my want. "So, so badly," I quietly replied against her lips.

I could feel her lips curl into a smile and she pulled back and began to kiss along my collarbone, then the top of my breast. Her hand began toying with one of my nipples as her tongue slowly slid down to the other.

I quietly gasped as I felt her tongue glide over my sensitive skin. "Oh shit that feels good," I moaned out. Jamie took the encouragement and took my full nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it as her tongue swirled around.

One thing was for sure, this girl knew what she was doing, and fuck did it feel good.

She pulled back, gently letting go of my nipple with her teeth, and looked back up at me. "You know, I haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

I smiled at her, feeling the excitement and heat building in between my legs. Jamie reached over and put the toilet seat down, then grabbed me by the hips and sat me down.

How romantic, right? But right now, I couldn't even care. This felt too damn good.

Jamie unbuttoned my pants and slowly slid them off with my underwear. She hung them on the door as she crouched down in front of me and spread my legs open, putting them on top of her shoulders.

"I can't wait to taste you," she said before leading kisses down my inner thigh.

My clit ached for her touch, with her tongue, her fingers, whatever it was...I needed it. She teased her tongue around the inside of my thigh and brought her hand up around my leg. Her thumb started to slowly circle around my throbbing clit just as her tongue slid in between my slit.

"Oh Fuck Jamie," I moaned out as I threw my head back. Her hand moved away and her mouth completely took over. Sucking on my clit and flicking her tongue over top of it.

I let out a loud moan before remembering that we were in fact still in a public place. Just as the thought crossed my mind, we both heard the door handle start to move. Shit.


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