Chapter 15

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We both pulled back and stood there in silence. Jamie put her finger up to her mouth, signaling me to keep quiet.

That's when a wicked thought crossed my mind. I quietly grabbed Jamie's hips and spun us around so she was against the wall. She gave me a confused look and mouthed, "what are you doing?"

I leaned in to whisper in her ear, feeling the water pour down over both of us. "I'm just repaying the favor Jamie."

Before she could answer I quickly put my hand over her mouth and watched her eyes widen. My other hand trailed down her stomach and made its way between her legs.

I started to circle my finger around her clit, and watched as she closed her eyes. I felt her take a deep breath against my hand, clearly trying to hold in her moans.

I couldn't help but smile, watching the pleasure come over her as she tried to keep quiet. After all, this is exactly what she'd done to me on the night we first hooked up in the club.

I slowly slid my finger inside of Jamie, hearing the slightest moan escape from behind my hand. I pressed my hand more firmly against her mouth and shook my head, just as I started to move my finger in and out.

I pushed a second finger inside of her, and felt her bite down on my hand. She was doing whatever she could to keep quiet. I leaned in and kissed up her neck and to her ear.

"Don't you dare get us caught," I whispered.

She shook her head at me and squeezed her eyes shut, moving her hips against my hand.

A moment later we heard the door again, and whoever had been keeping us company had finally left.

I took my hand away from her mouth and continued to quicken the pace of my fingers inside of her.

"Fuck Cas," she said breathlessly, "that wasn't very nice."

I smiled at her and shrugged my shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.

I could feel her moans against my lips as my fingers continued to work. "Are you gonna cum for me?" I said quietly, keeping my mouth close to hers.

She nodded and pressed her lips back against mine. "Right there, right there," she said needily.

I continued to pulse my fingers in and out as her hips worked with me. Her moans became louder as she reached her climax, leaning her head back against the wall. "Shit Cas," she groaned out, keeping her arms wrapped around my neck to hold herself up.

I slowly pulled my fingers out and put my hands on her waist. I could see her chest rising and falling rapidly as she came down from her orgasm.

"I like this more confident Cas who knows what she wants," Jamie said with a smile.

"Yeah I don't know what that was about," I responded, "I think you're rubbing off on me."

She shook her head at me and moved her hands up to the back of my neck, pulling me closer. "I might be a bad influence," Jamie started, "but you didn't seem to object too much."

She smirked as she waited for a response. "Okay fine, you caught me there," I said, leaning in to kiss those tempting lips again.

I pulled back and looked at her, "do you think we'll ever hang out without ending up naked?"

Jamie laughed in response as she reached back and turned the shower off. "Well we've only had a few chances...but it's not looking good so far."

She reached around behind me and smacked my ass, causing me to jump, and then pulled me back against her body. "I can't help it Cas, I just can't seem to keep my hands off of you."

I felt my cheeks flush as Jamie leaned in and gave me one last kiss. "I suppose we should probably get out of here," she said.

I nodded in agreement as she went to pull back the shower stall curtain. "Wait!" I said quickly, "I just remembered that my towel is soaking wet and lying on the ground."

Jamie smirked at me and slowly pulled the shower curtain back. "Oh come on, you don't want to take a naked stroll around the locker room?" She said with an amused look on her face.

"Not particularly!" I responded, "Now go grab me another towel before I steal yours."

Jamie sighed in defeat and quickly went to get another towel for me. We began to dry off and get dressed when she said something that caught me off guard.

"Why don't you come to my place and I'll make us dinner?"

I paused to think about it for a minute.

"Since you want to do that whole boring 'hanging out without getting naked' thing."

I shook my head and grabbed my towel and snapped it in her direction. "I don't know if I can trust your cooking skills, but sure why not."

Jamie let her mouth hang open, pretending to be shocked again. "I'll have you know that I'm a VERY good cook," she said.

"We'll see about that," I said with a smirk as I got dressed.

We both went and got into our cars and I followed Jamie further into the city and towards her apartment. I realized this probably wasn't a great idea, since I really didn't know much about her, but curiosity and attraction had won me over.


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