Chapter 28

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Sophie covered her mouth to try and suppress her laughs as I glared at her.

"You can't say that shit Soph!" I said, now trying to hold in my own laughter.

"I didn't hear you disagree," Sophie said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Have I ever mentioned that I really hate you sometimes? I'm sure that I have," I said to her with a smirk.

She shrugged, clearly unfazed. "So you really haven't talked to her at all since you left, huh?"

I shook my head in response, "not once, I thought she might try to call me or something after she stopped by your house..." I trailed off.

"Sorry," Sophie said, "I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject."

"No it's okay," I said quickly, "I guess I just kind of figured she didn't want anything to do with me after I didn't hear from her."

Sophie put her hand on my shoulder and gently shook it, "okay no more depressing talk," she said.

I shook my head back and forth, trying to snap out of it. "You're right," I said, "seeing her again just really threw me off."

Sophie nodded and then looked out the door, "hey there's Alex, come on."

We walked outside and quickly jumped into the car before getting too wet from the rain.

"Thanks for getting the car," I said to Alex as we got in.

"Of course," he said, looking over at me with a smile.

"Alright none of the mushy stuff let's go," Sophie said sarcastically from the back seat.

I turned around and rolled my eyes at her, "you heard the girl Alex, let's go."

"You know I might be starting to rethink this whole moving back thing," Alex said as he pulled into the street. "We've already had to be around Sophie too much for my liking."

She reached up and playfully smacked the back of his head, "you'd both be lost without me," she said.

"Sure Soph," I said, "something like that."

We dropped Sophie off and then went back to our  new place. We had bought a house when we moved back and were still working on getting everything settled.

Alex was originally from the East Coast as well, so when we discussed moving back, it was an easy sell.

I had met him shortly after I moved to California, and at a time when I really needed someone to lean on, he was that person.

We dated for a little over two years before he proposed, and we were now in the process of planning the wedding.

Once we got home, Alex set his keys on the counter and looked over at me suspiciously.

"What are you scheming over there?" I asked him.

"Oh you know," he said slowly as he walked towards me, "just thinking about how we really haven't christened any of the rooms in this new house."

He had a mischievous look in his eyes as he came over and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Is that so?" I asked him playfully.

He nodded as he took my chin in his hand and tilted it up towards him. He placed a kiss on my lips as he tangled his fingers in my hair.

Yeah, this would be a good way to stop thinking about Jamie again, I thought.

I leaned back and looked up at him, "so which room will it be first Mr. Davidson?"

I loosened his tie from around his neck and pulled it off, tossing it on the kitchen counter.

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