Chapter 35

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I walked over to the couch in a trance, and I sat there with my arms around my knees. Sophie was supposed to be coming over soon so we could spend her birthday together, but I couldn't make myself get up and move or get ready.

When Sophie got there a while later, I was still sitting in the same spot on the couch.

"Birthday girl is here!!" Sophie said excitedly as she walked in the door.

She stopped when she saw me sitting there. "Cas? What's going on are you okay?"

"Alex is gone," I said in a daze, keeping my eyes down on the floor.

"Shit," Sophie said as she came over and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry you're always having to deal with my problems Soph, especially on your birthday," I said.

"Hey it's fine," she replied, "we'll just hang out here today instead."

"You really don't have to stay if you don't want to," I said quietly.

"Cas have you seen yourself? I'm staying." She said.

I smiled over at her and shook my head.

"So do you want to tell me what happened?" Sophie asked me.

I sighed, "I came out into the kitchen this morning prepared to talk to Alex about everything, and he already had his bags packed."

"He said," I continued, trying to hold back more tears, "he said he wasn't mad, but he could tell what was going on, and that we both knew this is what needed to happen."

"I'm really sorry Cas," Sophie said as she put her arm around me. "But I mean...if you do still have feelings for Jamie, he's probably right."

"I don't know," I said as I put my face in my hands. "I don't know what to do about Jamie or about any of this."

Sophie nodded, giving me time to process everything.

"I can't let myself 'ruin Jamie's life again' as Liv so kindly pointed out last night." I said through my hands.

"Okay first of all," Sophie said quickly, "Liv is a bitch so don't listen to her."

I put my head up and smiled at Sophie and nodded in agreement.

"And second of all," she continued, "you didn't ruin Jamie's life, trust me."

I shrugged, still not convinced.

"It's not like you have to decide anything right now Cas, you've kind of been through some shit, just take your time to think about it," Sophie said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I said in agreement.

"I know I am," Sophie shot back with a smirk. "But you do still owe me for getting drunker than me last night."

I gave her an innocent look, "oops?" I said with a smile.

"Sounds like we need a wine and movie day, but only if I'm the drunk one today," she said.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine, and took 2 glasses out of the cabinet.

I came back over and set them in front of Sophie, "better get to work then."

She poured 2 glasses of wine and handed one to me. I raised it up to her, "cheers to me being an absolute wreck on your birthday."

Sophie gave me a look, but raised her glass nonetheless, "hey," she said, "I'll drink to anything."

I laughed at her and we both took a sip of our drinks. We spent the day on the couch drinking, watching movies and ordering takeout. It was exactly what I needed, and Sophie was an absolute saint for spending her birthday with me when I was such a mess.

I spent the next few days keeping to myself and trying to figure out my whole situation. Alex was gone, and I hadn't spoken to Jamie since the night of Sophie's birthday outing.

For all I knew, she was still in a relationship with Olivia. I was having a hard time deciding if I should even try to reach out or not.

I tried to bury myself in work and forget about everything, but my mind kept on going back. Even though Alex had left, it still didn't feel like things were resolved between us.

Between that and not knowing where I stood with Jamie, my mind was a mess.

I was cleaning up from dinner one night when I heard a knock on my door. I tried to look out the window to see who it was, but I couldn't tell.

I walked over and took a hold of the door handle and slowly pulled it open.

"Hi," I said quietly.


*Theeeeeee end! 2nd book coming soon,
don't worry ;)*

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