Chapter 22

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She stepped back and grabbed my hand, leading me down a hallway and opening her bedroom door.

The second she shut the door behind us she began kissing me again and started pulling off my clothes. I returned the favor and pulled her shirt off over her head and began unbuttoning her pants.

"Hold on," I said as I stepped back, "is this going to be the most normal place we've had sex by like...a mile?" I said to her.

She smirked at me and grabbed me by the hips, walking me back to the bed. She pushed me down on to it as she said, "It's not going to be normal once I'm done with you."

"Oh really?" I said with my eyebrows raised.

"Really really," she said as she walked over to her closet. I watched as she grabbed a black scarf off of a hook and came back over to the bed.

"Jamie..." I said hesitantly as she crawled over top of me.

She had that wicked glint in her eye as she said, "move all the way back."

I moved back so I was laying against the pillows and she continued to move over top of me, placing kisses along my body as she did.

I watched her as she made her way up my body with the scarf in her hand. "So do you just keep that on hand for whenever you're in situations like this?" I asked jokingly.

She reached my mouth and gently pressed her lips to mine. "Wouldn't you like to know," Jamie responded.

She kissed the side of my neck before saying quietly in my ear, "lean your head up."

I sat up slightly, looking at her as she straddled my body. She took the scarf and brought it up to my face, tying it around my head so my eyes were completely covered.

Jamie guided my head back down on to the pillows. "Okay I don't think I signed up for this," I said to her. I felt her crawl off of the bed but could tell she was still somewhere close.

I almost jumped when I felt her breath against my ear as she whispered, "you didn't really think you could tease me like that and get away with it, did you?"

I could practically hear the smirk in her voice. "God damn it," I said in response, a smile coming across my face.

Not being able to see what Jamie was doing was heightening all of my other senses as I waited in anticipation.

I felt her fingertips run along the top of my bra and along my breast and it sent a shiver through me. She moved her hands up and slowly pulled the straps off my shoulder, then reached behind me and unhooked it.

She pulled the bra off of me and I could hear it hit the floor as she tossed it aside. Her fingers traced around my nipples teasingly, making sure to not actually touch the most sensitive parts.

I felt her straddle me again, and she began to lay kisses down my chest and to my stomach, getting lower and lower. She grabbed the sides of my underwear and slowly pulled it off, tossing it aside to be with the rest of the pile of clothes we had left.

I drew in a sharp breath as I felt her hands move up my thighs and her mouth follow. She spread my legs apart and ran her tongue along the inside of my thigh, getting dangerously close to where I was aching for her.

Just as I thought she was going to get there, she stopped. "Damn it Jamie," I groaned.

I could feel her move back over top of me, and it caught me off guard when she pressed another kiss to my lips. I tried to wrap my arm around her neck and lean into it, but she pulled back.

"Don't move," she said in my ear, "I'll be right back."

As vulnerable as I felt lying here in Jamie's bed, completely naked and blindfolded, I had to admit, it was pretty hot.

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