Chapter 12

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A few hours later, Sophie and I were sitting on my couch eating dinner when I made my confession.

"Sophie...I think I might actually like her."

"Who?" Sophie started before connecting the dots. "OHHH, the hot lawyer girl you hooked up with once and then ran into at work?"

"Twice," I responded quietly.

Sophie looked over at me, her eyebrows raised. "Twice what?" She asked.

I had already told her about the first time, this time should be easier, right?

"Um," I took a deep breath before continuing, "hooked up...we've hooked up twice." I looked down at my food, not wanting to make eye contact while I waited for Sophie to respond.

I felt her hand hit against my leg, "Cas oh my God, what?! When?!"

I sighed, "like...a few hours ago." I looked up at Sophie to see the shocked look on her face.

"A few hours ago??" She said, "and okay, where did this happen at?"

"Umm," I said again, "on the couch in my office."

"Cas you little slut!" Now it was my turn to reach over and hit her.

"Shut your mouth," I said with a laugh, "it's better than a bathroom stall."

"Well you do have a point there," Sophie said. She paused for a second before continuing, "so you like her, huh?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response, "I don't know Soph, I mean we've hooked up twice, that's it."

"But," Sophie hesitated, "didn't you just say you thought you did?"

"Yes but-" I stopped my thought, not even sure where I was going with it. "But I don't know, I barely know her." I looked down at my food again, unsure of what else to say.

"There's just...something about her," I continued, "and yes I know that's super cliche...but there is."

Sophie looked back at me, a smile slowly spreading across her face, "oh you TOTALLY do like her."

I reached behind me and grabbed a pillow, launching it at Sophie. "Sometimes I really hate you, you know that right?"

Sophie laughed and tossed the pillow back to me, "I'm just calling it how I see it Cas!"

I shook my head and laughed. "So maybe," Sophie continued, "maybe you should get to know her then."

"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea, I'm just not really sure what I'm ready for," I said.

"Maybe if you stopped fucking every time you saw each other you could figure that out." My mouth dropped open as I saw Sophie duck, waiting for another pillow to come her way.

"SOPHIE!!" I shouted, but couldn't hold in my laughter, "you are actually the worst."

She cautiously came up from her ducking pose and looked over at me and shrugged.

"I don't know why I tell you anything," my attempt to sound serious with her was ruined by the laughter that I couldn't hold back.

"Because I make you laugh, AAAAND I did actually give you some advice within all of my sarcastic comments," she responded.

I sighed, "Okay you're right, I know I should try to actually get to know Jamie more."

Sophie nodded in agreement, and then added one more smart ass comment for good measure, "but hey don't actually stop hooking up with her, she's hot."

Her duck wasn't fast enough to avoid my pillow this time.


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