Chapter 27

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*3 years later*

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get us more to drink," I said.

After being in California for about three years, I had just moved back to Philadelphia. I was able to transfer back to one of our law firms right outside of the city, and we were out celebrating with dinner and drinks.

I walked up to the bar and stood there, waiting to order a few more drinks. I was just about to flag down the bartender when I heard a voice that immediately made me freeze.


I turned to my left and Jamie was looking back at me. We hadn't talked since the night before I left, and we didn't exactly end things on good terms.

"Jamie, hey." I said awkwardly.

"What are you doing back here?" She asked.

I couldn't tell if she was happy to see me or not, and I really wouldn't blame her either way.

"I um, I just moved back actually," I said. "I'm back at one of our firms in town."

Jamie looked at me and raised her eyebrows, I still wasn't sure how to take her expression.

"Wow," she said, "that's um - good for you Cas."

"Thanks," I said quietly.

The tension between us was thick, neither one of us knowing how the other felt.

"Well I better get our drinks and head back to the table," I said, breaking the silence.

Jamie nodded, "is Sophie with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, Sophie and Alex." I said. I hesitated, knowing that it was better to get this part out of the way but still not wanting to say it.

"Alex?" Jamie said.

"Yeah, Alex is my um..." I fidgeted with my hands before continuing. I hadn't seen Jamie in 3 years it shouldn't be this difficult to tell her this.

"He's my fiancé." I said it quickly and watched for Jamie's reaction.

I saw her eyes flit down to my left hand and then back up to mine. I thought that I saw some disappointment in them, but she quickly smiled at me.

"Oh! Well, congrats then." She said as she raised her glass to me.

"Thanks," I said uncomfortably.

"I'll have to stop by and say hi before we leave," Jamie said.

"Oh I don't - well you don't have to but yeah, if you want to, sure that's fine." I sounded like a stammering idiot, but this had to be the most uncomfortable I had ever felt in my life.

"See you in a bit then," Jamie said with a nod as she turned to leave.

"Jamie wait," I quickly said, and she turned back around to face me.

"About how we left things, I'm um, I'm sorry for that." I said.

Jamie shook her head and smiled slightly at me. "That was a long time ago Cas, don't worry about it."

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