Chapter 14

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I went home on my lunch and grabbed clothes for the gym. I was in pretty good shape, but I definitely hadn't been to the gym for a while.

Just tagging along, I thought to myself as I grabbed a tank top and leggings, no need to get too fancy.

Once I was back at work, the afternoon seemed to drag by. I was nervous, but excited for Jamie and I's gym outing. I knew I shouldn't be making a big deal out of it, but this was the first time we had actually planned to do something together. Something that didn't involve sex.

Jamie and I had done A LOT together, but one thing we hadn't done much of was talk. I was worried that we wouldn't have anything to talk about, would get bored of each other, would feel name it I had thought about it.

5:00 finally rolled around, and I was trying to finish up a few things before taking off. I jumped when I heard a soft knock on my door, and looked up to see Jamie. This was starting to become a habit.

"Sorry Cas, didn't mean to scare you," she said.

"No, no you're fine. I was just way too concentrated."

"Beating me in the courtroom IS hard work isn't it?" Jamie said with a smirk.

I shook my head at her as I stood up from my desk, putting all of my files away. "We'll see about that," I said in response.

I grabbed my bag and we walked towards the elevator.

Once we got to the gym we went into the locker room to change. I slipped on my leggings and tank top and turned around as Jamie was pulling on her sports bra.

A few of her tattoos peeked out below the fabric as she pulled it down into place. I kept my eyes on her toned stomach muscles when she turned around to face me.

"Quit checking me out, would you?"

I snapped out of my trance and met Jamie's eyes as she winked at me. "Can't help it," I responded with a smirk of my own.

"Good, because I was totally kidding. Look all you want." She smiled back at me as we walked out of the locker room.

I tagged along on Jamie's usually circuit, trying not to make too much of a fool of myself while she showed me a few things here and there. It felt good to just get to chat with her and blow off some steam after the stressful case we'd been working on.

The real challenge of all of this was to not constantly stare at Jamie's body as she worked out. The beads of sweat that dripped down her perfect figure were almost too much to handle.

After about 45 minutes, we began to pack up. "I'm going to jump in the showers quick and then I'll be good to go," Jamie said to me as we walked towards the locker room.

"Yeah me too," I responded. We both grabbed towels and headed towards the showers in the empty locker room.

I heard Jamie's water turn on and her curtain pull shut in the shower stall next to me. I had just slipped my clothes off and put a towel around me when I heard Jamie say my name.

"Hey Cas?"

"Yeah?" I peeked outside of my shower to see what she needed.

"Can you hand me my shampoo? I think I left it right outside my shower."

I looked around and saw a bottle sitting right by the edge of the showers. I grabbed it and reached my hand inside her shower curtain, waiting for her to take it.

Before I knew what was happening, Jamie's hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into her shower.

"Jamie!" I screeched in surprise, the water hitting the towel that was still wrapped around me.

"Your towel is getting wet Cas," she said with a sly look on her face.

I took the towel off and tossed it outside of the shower as I slowly took in every inch of Jamie standing in front of me. I had told myself this was a "getting to know each other" outing, but it was clearly about to turn into something else.

"You're a terrible influence, you know that right?" I said to her, watching the water droplets bead down her chest and on to her stomach.

"I have NO idea what you mean," she responded, grabbing my hand again and pulling me in closer.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned her as I ran my finger down her chest, following a droplet of water. "What happened to no fucking in public?" I continued.

Jamie stepped back and let out an exaggerated gasp, putting her hand on her chest. "Well Cas I just can't believe you think that's what I'm trying to do."

I laughed at her and stepped in closer again, the water raining down over both of us. Our lips were almost touching when I said, "you Jamie Callahan..." I paused to press a quick kiss to her lips before continuing, "are a very, very bad influence."

I could feel the smile spread across her lips as her hands wrapped around my back and slid their way down to my ass.

"Oh shut up Cas, you like it," she said with a smile.

She dug her fingernails into my skin as she pulled our bodies together and began to kiss me. She pressed me up against the shower wall, her hands beginning to roam around my wet body.

"Are you sure you want to do this in here?" I pulled back to ask her.

A wicked smile came across her face as her fingers began to toy with my nipples.

"Has that ever stopped us before?"

Her mouth was back on mine before I could get an answer out. I knew this wasn't a great idea, but I couldn't stop myself.

I wrapped my arms around Jamie's neck, already feeling the heat rise inside of me. I tugged at her bottom lip with my teeth as she slowly pulled back, her mouth moving down to my chest.

She swirled her tongue slowly around my hard nipples, teasing me before taking one into her mouth. I leaned my head back against the wall, closing my eyes and letting the water run down my face.

I felt her mouth move down my chest and my stomach, inching lower and lower. She knelt down on the ground in front of me, and my clit ached for what I knew was coming.

Jamie ran her hand down my thigh, then put it behind my knee.

"Give me your leg," she said as she gently kissed my inner thigh.

I lifted my foot off the floor and she took my leg and hooked it over her shoulder. Her mouth moved painfully slow towards my throbbing clit.

Her tongue finally landed just where I wanted it, and I looked down at her as I let out a moan. She kept her eyes locked on mine the entire time, the hot water dripping down her face.

"Shit Jamie," I groaned, "that feels so fucking good."

Her tongue moved expertly around all of the most sensitive parts of my pussy. I felt myself getting closer to climax when she pushed 2 fingers inside of me.

"Fu-Fuck," I could barely get my words out between moans as I grabbed on to a handful of her wet hair.

I looked down again to see Jamie's eyes still locked on me as she licked and fingered me to a leg shaking orgasm.

"Oh fuck Jamie," I cried out as the waves of pleasure came over me.

She gently put my leg back down and slowly stood up again, keeping her body against mine the whole time.

"You're way too good at that," I said with a smile, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Lucky you, huh?" She said against my lips.

Just as our kiss was intensifying again, we heard the locker room door open.

Shit, I thought. Not again...this is what we get.


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