Chapter 31

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Alex had agreed to go to dinner with everyone, and we were at the house getting ready that night.

"It's good that you've been able to catch up with your old friend," Alex said to me from the bedroom.

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and I paused, " should be nice," I said with a mouth full of toothpaste.

I finished up and stepped out into the bedroom. "Ready to go?" Alex asked.

I nodded as I took a step towards him and put my hands on his chest. "You look nice."

"You're not so bad yourself," he said back to me, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. He leaned his head back to look at me.

"Alright we better go before I decide I need to do that again," he said with a smirk.

I playfully hit his chest and he grabbed my hand as we walked out the door.

"Are we picking up Sophie or is she meeting us there?" Alex asked as we got into the car.

"She's going to meet us there," I said.

"Thank God," he said, looking over at me with a smile.

"Whatever, you love her just as much as I do," I said shaking my head.

He shrugged, "that might be a little excessive."

We continued to chat until we pulled up to the restaurant. As we parked, I saw Jamie walking into the restaurant. Her and Olivia walked hand in hand as they made their way inside.

So much for a "friend," I thought.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and Alex and I walked inside to join them. Thankfully, Sophie walked in right after we did.

"Sophie! Thank goodness you're here," I said as I gave her a hug.

"Wow Cas, I don't think I've ever seen you this excited to see me," Sophie said.

"Oh whatever," I said with an eye roll. "Let's go sit down."

I grabbed Alex's hand and we followed the hostess over to the table that Jamie and Olivia were already sitting at.

"Hey guys," Jamie gave us a polite smile as we all sat down.

Alex put his arm around my shoulders as we all began to chat and look at the menus. Things didn't seem to be going too badly, but I could tell that Jamie wasn't herself.

I tried not to focus on that as the meal continued. It wasn't my place to worry about Jamie anymore.

After we had all finished our dinners, we continued to drink and make small talk. Olivia had become increasingly handsy with Jamie the more alcohol she got in her, and I did my best not to notice.

"Sooo Olivia," Sophie started, "how long have you and Jamie been together?"

Olivia laced her fingers with Jamie's on top of the table as she answered. "We've been together like, a whole month now."

Jamie forced a smile, but Olivia had clearly had too much to drink and Jamie was obviously annoyed by it.

"Wow," Sophie said, "that's uh, that's great."

I did my best to hide my smile at Sophie's obvious sarcasm.

"It really is," Olivia said, "right babe?"

She turned to Jamie and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I looked down at the table, trying to avoid the awkwardness of the whole situation.

Alex had his arm around me again and I leaned into him and put my hand on his leg. I heard Jamie let out a loud sigh and I looked up to meet her eyes.

"Yeah, it's great Liv," she said dryly as she kept her gaze on me.

I looked down again and went to take a sip of my drink. Olivia narrowed her eyes on Jamie and said loudly, "are you being weird because you and Cas used to sleep together or what??"

I nearly spit out my drink as I looked up at her. I looked over at Sophie and her eyes were wide.

"Olivia, seriously," Jamie said under her breath.

Alex took his arm off of my shoulders and looked over at me, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Shit," I muttered as I leaned my head into my hand.

Alex obviously didn't know about Jamie, and I hadn't been with any other girls since her. He was understandably just a little bit shocked.

I leaned in closer to Alex and said quietly, "we were uh, we were kind of together briefly before I left."

Alex gave me a confused look, but didn't say anything.

"Can we talk about this at home?" I asked.

He nodded silently and turned back towards the table, not looking very happy.

"Well," Sophie said loudly, trying to diffuse the tension, "this has been fun!"

Jamie quickly stood up from the table and muttered, "I need to get some air."

She walked to the front of the restaurant and out the door. Olivia watched her and shrugged as she continued to drink.

I sighed, "I'm gonna," I motioned towards the door. "I'll just be right back."

I looked over at Alex, but he kept his gaze down on the table. I quickly looked over at Sophie, and she nodded at me. I knew she'd handle the situation in here if I went outside to check on Jamie.

I walked out of the front door of the restaurant and found Jamie sitting on a bench.

"So besides the obvious mess inside, what the hell is going on with you Jamie?"


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