Chapter 13

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The next day at work, I got on to the elevator and Jamie quickly slid in just as the doors were closing.

"You know, I'm starting to think you're stalking me," I said to her with a smile.

She raised one eyebrow in response, "well good morning to you too Cas."

She came and leaned against the wall of the elevator next to where I was standing. "Glad to see you're not trying to ignore me today."

I looked over at her innocently and shrugged, "for now..." I said, as a sly smile creeped across my face.

"Oh Cas, don't you even start with me," she smirked back at me before moving in closer and whispering in my ear. "You and I both know how good I am at teasing the shit out of you."

She took a step back just as the elevator slowed to a stop on our floor. We both stepped out, and just before going our separate ways she looked over at me and said, "have a great day today Cas," and gave me a quick wink.

Yeah, I definitely needed to up my teasing game. She definitely had me beat there.

I was working in my office later that day, when I looked up to see Jamie standing in my doorway. Seeing her standing there was bringing me back to what happened last night, and we definitely couldn't have a repeat of that in the middle of the day.

"Jamie, hey, come in," I said. I stood up from my desk and walked over to shut the door behind her.

"Damn Cas, you trying to go for round 2 on the office couch or what?" Jamie asked.

My eyes widened as I wondered if anyone on the other side of the door had heard her. "Jamie!"

She laughed at me as she took a seat on the couch, I knew she enjoyed seeing me squirm. I sat down next to her, keeping a safe distance in between us to make sure that we actually avoided round 2.

"So did you just come here to continue your relentless teasing or do you have a better reason this time?" I raised my eyebrows at her as I waited for answer.

She smiled and shook her head, "No I'm not here to tease, don't worry." She stopped to consider her next words, "not this time at least." She smirked at me as I grabbed a pillow and put it in between us.

"Just in case," I said.

She laughed at me before continuing on, "I go to the gym down the road a few nights after work and was just seeing if you wanted to join me tonight."

I turned to face her, unsure of what to say. I did really want to get to know Jamie, but Sophie was the only one I had told any of this to. I was a little worried that I would run into someone I knew and not know how to explain myself.

"Cas," Jamie shook me out of my train of thought and put her hand on my leg. "I can practically see the wheels spinning in your head over there."

"Sorry," I said quietly, "I'm just not sure -" Jamie cut me off. "I know," she said. "I'm not trying to ask you out on a romantic gym date, don't worry." She gave me a reassuring smile, seeming to understand what I had been debating about.

"Just thought you might want to tag along and give me some company."

I looked down at her hand still resting on my leg, wishing it would move a little further up and work the magic it had the other night. Damn it I needed to learn how to have a normal conversation with this girl without imagining all of the things I wanted her to do to me.

"Yeah, sure," I finally said. "I'll tag along."

"Perfect," Jamie said with a smile. "See you after work then."

We both stood up and went towards the door. I grabbed the handle to pull it open, but she put her hand on the door to stop me.

"Hold on," she said.

I looked up at her, not sure of what to expect. She took my chin in her hand and leaned in, gently pressing her lips against mine.

I felt the heat radiate throughout my body, just as she slowly pulled away.

"Sorry," Jamie said quietly, her lips still close to mine. "Just had to get that out of my system."

She took another step back as I opened the door in a trance and watched her walk out. Damn it this girl had a tight grip on me.


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