Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry, what?"

I sat up on the couch, looking at Jamie in disbelief. A man had just walked into her apartment claiming to be the husband of this girl that I'd been hooking up with.

I started to feel sick to my stomach, waiting for Jamie to tell me this was some kind of joke or misunderstanding.

She quickly stood up, a panicked look on her face. "Maddox what the fuck are you doing here?" Jamie had a bite in her tone that I'd never heard before.

"What am I doing in our apartment, is that really what you're asking me?" He snapped back.

Just as Jamie was beginning to say something else I stood up and jumped in. "Uhh excuse me, does someone want to tell me what's going on here?"

I looked at Jamie, my eyes pleading with her to tell me that this wasn't what it looked like.

Maddox was the first to speak up. "Well it would appear that I interrupted you and another one of your fuck buddies, Jamie," he scoffed, looking me up and down.

My jaw dropped as I searched for the words to respond. "Anoth- yeah never mind, it's clearly time for me to go."

I quickly slipped my shoes on, grabbed my bag, and went for the door. I had just stepped out in the hallway when I heard Jamie's voice behind me.

"Cas! Please, just hold on a minute."

I turned around to face her and could see the guilt all over face.

"I need to go Jamie," I turned back around and walked towards the elevator.

I didn't look back at her, but I could hear the door slam and yelling start as soon as I walked away.

I felt knots forming in my stomach as I walked back to my car. What the fuck had I gotten myself in to.

I got in my car and tried to keep the tears from starting. I needed to call Sophie.

I started driving to her house as I called, hoping that she was home.

"Cas! What's up?" She quickly answered.

"Are you home?" I asked quietly.

"Yes...are you okay?"

"Yeah I - I don't know Soph."

"Okay well you're worrying me Cas, where are you?"

"I'm only a few minutes away, I'll be there soon."

I hung up before she responded, not wanting to have to explain anything over the phone.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry, scream, vomit, or all of the above. I knew that I didn't know Jamie that well, but damn I did NOT expect a surprise like this.

I pulled up in front of Sophie's house and walked in the front door. She jumped up from the couch and came over to me.

"Okay what the fuck is going on Cas?" She looked at me with concern all over her face.

"She has a fucking husband Sophie."


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