Chapter 10

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Her kisses trailed down my neck and back up as she hovered her lips over mine. She looked me in the eyes as I felt her finger slide into my wet pussy.

A muffled "fuck," was all that I could groan out. My fingernails dug into the back of her neck as she slid a second finger in.

"Faster," I moaned into her ear, kissing and biting at her neck to stifle my continued moans.

She quickened her pace, curling her fingers inside of me. I started to push my hips against her in a rhythm, but she slowly eased her fingers out. She brought them up to my mouth, sticking them in as I held out my tongue.

"And now you're going to taste me," Jamie said with a wicked grin across her face.

She slid her underwear down her legs and kicked them off on to the floor before getting on her knees and moving up so she was straddling my face.

"Let's see if I've taught you anything," she said as she lowered herself down so she was sitting on my face.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs, my tongue slowly slipping in between her folds. I heard her take in a sharp breath and knew I had done something right.

I gripped tightly on to her legs and swirled my tongue over her clit. "Shit Cas, right there," I heard her say through her moans.

I flicked my tongue over the most sensitive parts as she began to grind her hips in motion with me. I started to suck on her swollen clit and she continued to move with me.

She reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair as she groaned out, "Fuck I'm so close, keep going."

That was all I needed to hear as I opened my mouth and held out my tongue as her dripping pussy slid up and down it.

I held her legs tightly as she began to shake and the waves of pleasure came crashing over her. She let out one final loud groan before breathlessly flopping over on top of me.

Jamie sat up and grabbed my face in her hands and said, "are you sure that was your first time doing that?" Before continuing to kiss me.

I laughed against her lips, "I had a good teacher."

"Apparently you did," she responded.

"Fuck that was hot Jamie," I mumbled against her. She pulled back for a moment, keeping her hands on my face. "Oh, I'm not done with you yet."

My heart beat quickly against my chest as I felt Jamie's arm snake around my waist. She pulled me up to a sitting position, our chests pressed against each other.

She gently pulled at my earlobe with her teeth before whispering in my ear, "lose the underwear Cas."

I shivered at the sound of her words, and obediently reached down and slid my underwear off.

She kept one arm wrapped around my waist, her hand grasping my hip. Her other hand found its' way down to my aching clit.

She looked me in the eyes and leaned her forehead against mine, "that's a good girl," she said quietly before hungrily kissing me again.

Her fingers rubbed quickly against my clit, causing me to moan out loudly more than once. I moved my hips against her, increasing the friction and the feeling of my rising orgasm.

My arms were wrapped around Jamie's neck, as I kissed her between moans. "Don't - don't stop, keep going, please." I could barely get my words out in between all of the kissing and groaning.

I could feel Jamie's smile against my lips, clearly pleased with her work. "Fuck Jamie, that feels so good," I couldn't hold back my moans as her expert hands brought me closer and closer to climax.

Jamie pressed a firm kiss to my lips, capturing the sound that escaped from them as the leg quivering orgasm came over me.

We sat there for a moment with our bodies still pressed together, both breathing heavily. Jamie slowly moved her hand back and wrapped both of her arms around my waist. She slowly kissed me as she guided us both back down to a laying position on the couch.

We laid there facing each other with our limbs tangled together, continuing to kiss. After a moment, Jamie pulled back slightly and looked me in the eyes. "I don't think you're confused anymore...are you?" She said with a smile.


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