Chapter 4

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I waited for a few minutes in the stall, trying to wrap my head around everything and giving Jamie time to get a little further away. I was doing the best I could to evade suspicion.

I walked out of the stall a few minutes later and looked in the mirror, trying my best to not look like a mess. I turned towards the door and grabbed the handle, slowly opening it and looking around as I stepped out.

I didn't see any sign of Jamie or Sophie, which was a very good thing for me. The loud music filled my ears again, and I made my way towards the bar, figuring I would find Sophie there so we could leave.

I had almost made it there when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I jumped and turned around quickly to see Sophie standing right behind me.

"Cas, there you are!" She said loudly over the music. "I've been looking for you for like 20 minutes!"

I momentarily looked down at the floor, trying to come up with a quick response that wouldn't sound suspicious.

"Sorry," I started, "I must have missed you in the mess of people on the dance floor...that's where I've been. Yeah just dancing!"

I shut myself up before I kept rambling and said something stupid. Sophie looked at me with her eyebrows raised, looking like she was going to question me for a minute, but then she shrugged. "Oh well, I found you now!" Sophie said, "you ready to go?"

I hurriedly shook my head yes and we headed through the crowd and towards the door. With any luck we'd make it out before I saw Jamie again.

"Oh shit! Hold on," Sophie stopped me and turned back towards the bar. "I forgot to pay my tab, stay right here and I'll be right back!"

"Sounds good," I responded, "I'm not going anywhere."

She made her way back up to the bar and I stood there and waited, checking my phone to see if I had missed anything important.

After a few minutes I could hear Sophie laughing, and I looked up to see her coming towards me with a napkin held out in her hand.

"What's so funny?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her in question.

She raised the napkin up in front of me with a wide grin on her face. "That girl up there at the bar saw me with you and wanted me to give you her number."

She gestured back to the bar and I looked around her and felt a familiar flutter return to my stomach. Jamie was standing there looking back at me. She gave me a quick wave when we locked eyes and I quickly turned around.

"So hilarious!" I said to Sophie sarcastically, grabbing the napkin from her and walking towards the door. I crumpled it up in my hand and heard her laughing behind me.

"Hey, she's hot...if you're not going to use that then give it to me!" Sophie said.

I swung my hand back and jokingly hit her in the stomach. "You're ridiculous," I said with a smile as we walked out the door.

"I'm just saying..." Sophie trailed off and she walked in front of me towards the car.

I looked down at the crumpled up napkin in my hand and then looked up at Sophie, making sure she wasn't paying attention. I quickly shoved it in my pocket and felt a grin spread across my face as I caught up with Sophie.

"Did you at least have SOME fun tonight?" Sophie asked me.

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "Yeah...something like that."


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