Chapter 23

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I was woken up the next morning by the feeling of kisses trailing down my back and a hand running up my thigh. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to face Jamie.

"Morning sunshine," she said, leaning forward to kiss me.

"Morning," I responded, still feeling her hands roaming under the covers. I playfully grabbed on to one of them and asked her, "are you ever NOT thinking of sex?"

She tried to act shocked, but quickly answered, "when you're around...not really. I haven't had the pleasure of waking up next to you in bed yet, what did you expect?"

I shrugged, "honestly I'm not sure, I should expect nothing less from you at this point."

"Exactly!" She responded, leaning in to kiss me again.

I kissed her back before leaning away to ask, "so what'll it be this time? Handcuffs, a whip, toys?"

"Ohhh Cas, don't you dare tempt me with a good time," she said with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow at her before saying, "Damn Jamie, I didn't know I was sleeping with such a freak."

She laughed at me before quickly rolling over on top of me and grabbing both of my hands. She straddled my body and pinned my hands above my head.

"Don't you forget it babe," she said as she leaned in to kiss my neck.

She kept my hands pinned above my head and slowly trailed kisses from my neck up to my lips. The kiss began to deepen and she let go of my hands so she could take a hold of my face.

Before things went too far I leaned back, "Jamie," I said quietly, "I just thought of something."

"You chose a very inopportune time to have this thought," she grinned at me and kissed my cheek before sitting back. "What is it?"

"The Wilson case," I started, "we're opposing counsel. We're not supposed to be 'involved' with each other without getting consent from the clients."

"Shit," Jamie said. She laid back down in bed and turned to face me. "We'll be fine Cas, the case is almost over. We just have to lay low until then and then it won't matter."

I knew this was a dangerous game to play, but she was right. The case should only last for about another week, but I still wasn't sure.

"I don't know, don't you think we should just tell them?" I asked.

"Cas," Jamie said in a firm tone as she grabbed my face, "we'll be fine, okay? You just have to stop all of your sexual advances towards me at work," she said with a smirk.

"You know that's a tough ask," I said, putting my hands over hers.

"Look we'll go in on Monday and go to our separate firms as usual and it'll all be fine," Jamie said. "It's not going to be worth it to go through all the trouble of telling them."

I nodded, "you're probably right, it just makes me nervous."

"You're cute when you're nervous," Jamie said as she quickly kissed my nose and got up out of bed.

I reluctantly followed and got up and got dressed. We went into the kitchen and made coffee before I got ready to go home.

Jamie followed me to the door and grabbed my hand before I could walk out. "I'm really glad we worked everything out Cas," she said as she gently kissed me on the lips.

"Me too," I said with a smile as I gave her hand a squeeze. "See you Monday?"

"See you Monday," she said.


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