Chapter 9

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Jamie put her hand on the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. She began to pull me in for a kiss when the ding of the elevator cut through the silence.

"Fuck," I said quietly as I quickly jumped back and turned to face the front of the elevator.

Seconds later, the elevator doors slid open and a couple of older men in suits stepped in. That could've been quite the show for them.

Looking back on it, the public elevator probably wasn't the best place for me to decide to make a move on Jamie, but I just couldn't help myself. It felt like there was a magnet that kept pulling me back to her.

We rode up to the offices the rest of the way in silence, the men getting off on the floor before us. Just as the doors began to open for our stop, I felt Jamie's breath on my neck.

"That was close, wasn't it?" Her hand gave my ass an inconspicuous tap as she walked out past me.

I stepped off the elevator and stood there for a second, trying to compose myself.

"So much for not getting too distracted today," I mumbled to myself under my breath.

I did my best to keep my mind on my work throughout the day, but I didn't have much luck. It was past 5:00 and I knew I'd have to stay for a while to get things done. I stepped out of my office to let Jessica know I'd be here a while longer.

"Hey Jessica, I'm going to be here for a bit so I'll just lock up when I'm done. I think everyone else is gone."

"Sounds good, see you tomorrow Cas," she responded.

I went back to work, sitting on the couch in my office with papers sprawled out in front of me on the coffee table.

A few minutes later, I heard a soft knock on the door and looked up to see Jamie. I had to admit, part of me had been hoping that she would stop by again.

"Wow Cas, you don't look like you've been dreading seeing me this time. What a pleasant surprise."

I felt a small smile creep across my face as I looked back down at my work. "That's because I'm not," I said in response. Jamie was still standing in the doorway looking at me, waiting for me to finish my thought.

"I'm still pretty confused about whatever this is, but I do know there's nothing about it that I'm dreading." I looked up to meet her gaze and saw her smiling back at me.

Jamie slowly came inside and shut the door behind her. She turned the lock with a click and came over to where I was sitting on the couch.

My pulse quickened as she stood in front of me and leaned down, putting her hands on the back of the couch so they were on either side of my head. "You know I was a little upset that we got interrupted on the elevator earlier."

I gulped, feeling the heat start to build up inside of me. "I - I was too," I said quietly.

"I'm glad to hear you finally admit that," Jamie said as she straddled my lap, keeping her hands where they were so she almost had me pinned against the couch.

She leaned in and began to kiss up the side of my neck. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side, wanting more.

The kisses and nipping at my neck were tantalizingly slow. I finally couldn't take it anymore, and I took her chin in my hand, and brought her face up in front of mine.

"Quit teasing me and kiss me already, would you?"

I watched as the familiar smirk came across her face, and her hands moved from the back of the couch to the back of my neck. She pulled me in, closing the distance between us and our lips finally met.

Until that moment, I hadn't realized how much I'd been wanting this again. Our tongues tangled together in a fierce kiss as Jamie began to grind her hips against my lap.

After a moment she pulled her hands from behind my neck, tracing her fingertips down my arms as she slowly pulled back and stood up in front of me.

I watched as she began to unbutton her shirt and then pull her skirt down, letting them both fall to the floor. She kept her eyes locked on me the entire time, and mine began to take in her body.

"Damn Jamie," I said quietly, raking my eyes over her perfect curves. Her black lacy bra and underwear was accentuating all of the right places.

She stepped back up towards me and brought her lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around her neck and closed the space between us. She began unbuttoning my shirt and as she did that I quickly slid out of my skirt.

I pulled my arms out of my shirt and tossed it to the side, feeling such an urge to have Jamie's body touching mine.

She put her hands on my waist and guided me back towards the arm of the couch, her lips never leaving mine.

"Lay back," she said against my lips. I leaned my head back against the arm of the couch, feeling her bare skin press against mine as the kiss deepened.

I felt Jamie's hand tracing along the band of my underwear before she slipped it inside. A soft groan escaped from my lips as her fingertips traced over my throbbing clit.

My hand grasped the back of her neck and the kiss deepened with need.

"Put your fingers inside of me Jamie," I said breathlessly between kisses. "I need it."


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