Chapter 6

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She inched over closer to me, her hand brushing against mine where it sat on the handrail of the elevator. "After all, you of all people should know how persuasive I can be."

The elevator lurched to a stop and the doors opened to the office suites on the 10th floor. I watched Jamie step out as I stood there in shock. Almost forgetting to get off before I hurried out and squeezed through the doors.

This cannot be happening, I thought. I really needed to do well on this case, and Jamie being opposite of me was going to make that very, very hard.

I saw her turn left into the law offices on that side of the floor, and I quickly went right into mine. I knew that there was another law firm on this floor, but I had never paid much attention to them.

Every once in a while, we shared the conference room in the middle of the floor with them, but only if we were working together, or against each other, on a case. I'm sure that I had seen Jamie before, but she never stood out to me. Obviously that had changed.

My head was reeling as I said a quick good morning to the people that were already in for the day.

"Hey Jessica," I said to our paralegal as I walked by her desk. "I've got a lot to get done this morning so I'm just going to shut myself in here for a while."

"Sounds good, Cas." She responded with a smile. I quickly shut my office door behind me and sat down at my desk, letting out a huge sigh.

Fuck. This was not good. Okay Cas, get yourself together and focus, you can do this.

I turned on my computer and flipped through my case files as it powered on. All I could do at this point was focus on the case and hope that I didn't have to see Jamie very much.

It took me a while, but I was finally able to get my mind off of things and concentrate on my work. I was deep in thought when the phone on my desk rang and made me jump.

I picked it up and it was Jessica on the other end, "Hey Cas, I have one of the other lawyers on the Wilson case out here who is asking to speak with you. Are you available?"

"Oh sure, you can send them in. Thanks Jessica."

A moment later I heard a soft knock on the door as it inched open. "Yup, come in," I said as I continued to read over the paperwork in front of me. I looked up just in time to see Jamie step into my office and shut the door behind her.

Damn it, I thought, why did I not realize it was going to be her?

"Jamie," I said as I quickly stood up from my desk. "You shouldn't be in here, I-" she put her hands up in surrender to stop me and sat down on the corner of my desk.

"I come in peace Cas, relax."

I slowly sat back down in my chair as I took in the sight of her in front of me. Sitting there on my desk with her long, toned legs crossed like she owned the place.

"Jamie look," I started again, "I'm not going to try and say that I didn't enjoy what happened the other night..." I trailed off as I watched a sly smile spread across her face.

"Oh I know you did," she responded. Her eyes locked on mine with a look that seemed to be trying to undress me right then and there. "I could tell," she kept her gaze fixed on me while I tried to compose myself enough to respond.

"That's not the point Jamie," I took a deep breath and tried to find the words to continue. "Well you know I've never...I mean I um just haven't really..."

"Cas it's fine." Jamie cut my stuttering off and swung her legs over to my side of the desk, leaning over and looking me in the eye. "I'm not going to say anything, okay? If that's what you're worried about, there's no need."

I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I had been holding, feeling at least a little bit of relief. "Thanks I just-"

"You don't have to explain yourself, I get it." Jamie said as she stopped my thought, swinging her legs back over and standing up from the desk.

"We're just going to be seeing a lot of each other with this case, so I figured we should chat."

"You're right," I responded as I stood up from my desk, "thanks for coming to clear the air."

Jamie turned and made her way towards the door, but she stopped and turned back around to look at me.

"Let me at least give you a hug before I go," she said. I looked at her hesitantly, not sure what to say. I knew what a hug from her would do to me, but I was trying to act as unfazed as possible so I reluctantly agreed. I nodded and held my arms out, and she smiled back at me.

"I know I was just your drunken experiment, it's all good Cas," Jamie said as she closed the space between us and came in for a hug.

I felt that familiar spark of electricity as soon as her body touched mine. It didn't help when I felt her breath against my neck as she whispered in my ear, "but if you ever decide you need to conduct some more experiments, you know where to find me."


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