Chapter 16

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We pulled in to the parking garage of a large high rise apartment complex. I parked next to Jamie and we got out and went towards the elevator.

We got into the elevator and I watched curiously to see which floor we were going up to. The apartments on the higher levels had to be extremely nice in a place like this.

Jamie pushed the button for the 10th floor and up we went. I looked over at her and caught her looking me up and down.

"Can I help you?" I asked her playfully.

"Well," Jamie started, "I was just thinking about how we never got to have our 'special' elevator ride that you almost started the other day."

"Don't even think about it," I said with a smile.

"Oh come onnn," Jamie groaned, "you can't stand there and look all cute and expect me not to do anything about it."

She inched closer with these words and all I could do was shake my head at her. I stole a quick look above the door to see what floor we were on. When I saw that we were just a couple of floors away, I decided to play along.

"Well what are you going to do about it then?" I teased.

She stepped in front of me, putting her hands against the wall on either side of me. "I thought that wasn't allowed," she teased back, her lips almost touching mine now.

I put my hands on her hips just as the elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened. "I guess it's not," I said with a smirk, stepping out from behind her arms.

"Ohhh you totally did that on purpose you little tease," Jamie said as she followed me out of the elevator.

I looked back at her with an innocent look, "I did learn from the best."

"Okay yeah, that's fair," she responded with a smile.

We walked down to the end of the hallway and Jamie unlocked the door to a beautiful apartment. I stepped inside and looked around in amazement.

"Wow," I started, "you must be a MUCH better lawyer than me."

"Welllll," Jamie said.

I put my hand up to stop her. "Don't even finish that sentence," I said.

She laughed and led me into the kitchen where she began pulling things out of the fridge and cupboards.

"What are you making me?" I asked.

"I'm making us some chicken stir fry, so I hope you like Chinese."

"Mmm, I definitely do," I responded.

We chatted for a while as I watched her move methodically through the kitchen. She definitely knew what she was doing. Now that I wasn't actively avoiding her, everything seemed so easy with Jamie. It felt like we had known each other for a lot longer than we actually had.

"Alright," Jamie's words startled me out of my thoughts. "Almost done, do you want some wine?"

"I never say no to wine," I said.

Jamie poured me a glass and slid it over to me. "Good," she said, "maybe I'll get you drunk enough to show you the bedroom later."

"Jamie!" I said with a gulp, almost choking on my drink.

"Oh come on Cas I'm kidding!" She took a sip of her glass of wine and kept her eyes on me. "Kind of..." she muttered under her breath.

"I heard that," I said as I raised my eyebrows at her. She shrugged and turned back towards the stove to finish dinner.

This girl, I thought. She's going to get me in trouble.

Although I wasn't sure if I cared.

Jamie finished up dinner and we went over and sat on the couch to eat.

"Are you sure you want to eat on your fancy couch?" I asked her.

She waved her hand to dismiss me, "it's fine, we have the coffee table to set stuff on."

I shrugged and took the first bite of my meal. "Oh damn," I said, "that's delicious."

"So you were wrong for doubting my cooking skills is what you're telling me?" She raised an eyebrow and waited for me to answer.

"Possibly..." I said quietly as I took another bite.

She shook her head at me and continued on, realizing that getting me to admit I was wrong was a lost cause.

We sat there and finished our dinner, making comfortable small talk the whole time.

Wow we're finally kind of getting to know each other, I thought.

Jamie took the dishes once we were done and cleaned everything up, insisting that I didn't need to help. She came back over to the couch and took the blanket off the back of it, sitting down and throwing it over both of us.

"No funny business under the blanket," I said to her with a smirk.

"Me?" She said, trying her best to sound innocent, "never!"

"Mhmm," I responded, as she reached around and put her hand around my waist.

"Sitting close and cuddling doesn't count as 'funny business' Cas," she said matter of factly.

"I know I know," I responded, settling in against her side, "you're innocent...for now."

I rested my hand on her thigh, enjoying the comfortable silence between the two of us.

"So," Jamie eventually broke the silence, "how are you feeling about all of this? I know it's been complicated for you."

I sighed, still not really sure what my answer was.

"I don't know Jamie, do we even know what 'all of this' is?"

I looked over at her, watching her think.

"I guess not," she said, pulling me in closer by the waist. "But do we really have to know right now?"

She leaned her head over and placed a soft kiss on the base of my neck, then trailed them up to my jaw.

"I-" I hesitated, trying to think of the right answer. "I guess not, but quit trying to distract me."

"But fully clothed kissing is totally allowed," she said in her usual sarcastic tone as she took my chin in her hand. She turned my head so I was facing her and pressed her lips against mine.

She wasn't wrong...we did still have our clothes on so this was definitely allowed. And besides, it wasn't like I could resist this even if I wanted to.

I reached up and put one hand on the back of Jamie's neck, keeping my other hand on her thigh as I squeezed her leg.

Just as the kiss began to deepen, I heard the front door open. We both jumped back and looked at the door.

A very attractive man with a suitcase walked in and dropped his keys on the table.

What the fuck is going on? I thought. I looked over at Jamie and her face grew pale. She obviously wasn't going to say anything so I figured someone should.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, causing him to look over at us for the first time.

"Who the hell am I?" He glared back at me before continuing. "I'm Jamie's husband. Who the hell are you?"


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